[BAA Comets] Submittings FITS images of 67P to the ESA/PSA archive

Tony Angel tony_angel_uk at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 25 12:02:00 BST 2016

Hi Roger,

I did not mention it in the email to spare your blushes, but I did 
mention your name as the expert in bringing it all together.

Best Wishes,


On 25/06/2016 12:50, Roger Dymock wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Thanks for the Project Alcock website plug.
> My wife and I are still getting over our recent holiday in Austria. We came home with the worst
> colds and coughs we have ever had and I thought Tyrolean air was good for you!!!.
> Regards
> Roger Dymock
> Email: roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
> Tel: 023 92647986
> Skype: rogerdymock67 or
> Skype: rjvdymock
> Project Alcock http://www.britastro.org/projectalcock/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Comets-disc [mailto:comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org] On Behalf Of Tony Angel
> Sent: 25 June 2016 11:08
> To: BAA Comets discussion list
> Subject: Re: [BAA Comets] Submittings FITS images of 67P to the ESA/PSA archive
> Hi Nick and all,
> I am still getting over my trip back from Austria.  Never - if I can
> help it - will I catch the Graz to Vienna train again. The motion of it
> made me quite travel sick - which is something I have not suffered since
> a boy. Luckily I was traveling with Alan Fitzsimmons and his wife Ann
> who had a very wide brimmed hat which she used to waft me some air.
> Anyway.....
> There was quite a bit of discussion on data at the workshop lead by
> Colin. There had been quite a bit of misunderstanding in this area and I
> had already included within part of one of my slides:
> *Professionals use the same words as amateurs - however they do not
> always mean the same thing.*
> There were also two short talks discussing the data uploading and
> standards which were helpful, but only in the sense of getting to
> understand what is meant and not the details. (I will be including some
> web links to Nick) There was quite a conversation on the words calibrate
> and calibration what they meant to different people and how the words
> were used determined their meaning :) LOL This was one of the more
> humourous episodes of the workshop.
> I had explained that I took  raw images and that I applied a number of
> darks, a number of flats, a number of biases and a number of flat darks
> against these raw images to produce my final images. I then asked what
> of this do you want. The answer was everything plus a document with each
> run (Padma correct me if I am wrong) that explains how the observations
> were carried out. There was a question I did not ask which I am now
> kicking myself for to do with multiple scopes imaging at the same time.
> This means that for me I will create a directory for the run. In it will
> be a document plus a directory holding the raws, a directory holding the
> darks, a directory holding the flats, a directory holding the biases, a
> directory holding the flat darks and a directory holding the final images.
> I was in the process of writing a report to Nick when I saw this. I will
> mention a few things in brief.
> Padma and I represented the amateur contribution - which meant I was the
> only amateur in attendance - made very welcome by all. Padma did the
> amateur community proud and over the few days was doing a very good
> selling job to the other professionals.
> All presentations will be published on the net - however quite a bit of
> the information was embargoed because it has not been officially
> released - we were told to swallow cyanide pills rather than divulge
> embargoed information - the problem is that until the redacted
> presentations are published we will not know what was embargoed LOL. All
> I can say on the results is WOW. Padma being a professional herself may
> know more on what can be said now.
> I will be sending my presentations to Nick with my report. I got in a
> couple of good BAA plugs. One was the youtube video that Nick made of
> his talk on Ground Base Observations, the other was to tell them that
> The Alcock Project Web pages was the place to start for the
> professionals to understand the techniques, tools and capabilities of
> the amateurs. I noticed many of them noting it down.
> I had two slots. The first just a few slides along with all the other
> observers where I covered some of my observations. The second took place
> at the end of the morning session and it was running late. I am glad to
> say that this session which was about amateur capabilities and working
> with professionals went over time due to questions and comments and then
> there were about another 10 minutes of questions, so instead of 15
> minutes I had about 30 minutes. There was certainly a recognition that
> more work needs to be done on some common standards, utilities
> (including for file) for amateurs to use and help with filters both
> sloan and narrowband.
> As a middle of the ladder observer I was amazed by the amount of
> interest shown in what I had done, with many genuine requests to keep in
> touch.
> Nick I will be getting the rest to you soonest.
> One nice surprise was that Padma presented me with a 3-D printed scale
> model of 67P.
> Tony
>> Teerasak Thaluang has pointed out that Wendy Clark's notes about
>> renaming iTelescope images and uploading them to the PSA are only
>> available if you are logged in to Facebook. I've now placed them on
>> the BAA server and they are available via this article:
>> https://britastro.org/node/7745
>> Nick.
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