[BAA Comets] Comets tale

denis buczynski buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
Fri Jul 21 19:55:45 BST 2017

Hi Owen,Glad you are eagerly awaiting the next edition of The Comet Tale. Why don't you write something for it.You have plenty of experience observing comets visually, let us know what you have done and how you do it.I'd like to read it.
Denis Buczynski

      From: "o.brazell at btinternet.com" <o.brazell at btinternet.com>
 To: BAA Comets Discussion List <comets-disc at britastro.org> 
 Sent: Friday, 21 July 2017, 19:29
 Subject: [BAA Comets] Comets tale

Not sure if I have missed it but has there been a Comets TaleĀ  in the last year?

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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