[BAA Comets] 174P outburst

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Mon Jan 1 22:05:23 GMT 2018

The attached plots show the latest analysis of this outburst using 
images received by the Comet Section up to the end of 2017.

Unfortunately the Moon has interfered with observations over the 
Christmas period and so none of the more recent images submitted have 
been suitable for measurement.

Moon-free observations will be able to resume in a few days time and it 
would be worth obtaining deep images of this object then. The outer coma 
will be very diffuse with a low surface brightness and so long stacks 
will be required. A run of an hour or so with a moderate telescope at a 
reasonable site would be good. If you happen to have access to a 2.0m 
class telescope that would be even better!

Please send any deep images to me for analysis.

Thanks, and a happy new year to you all. Let's hope for lots of 
interesting comets in 2018.

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