[BAA Comets] C/2017 S3 PanSTARRS

mike.collins12 at tiscali.co.uk mike.collins12 at tiscali.co.uk
Thu Jul 26 10:43:56 BST 2018

Hi Nick !

Unable to see 2017 S3 in 4" refractor then switched to 10" S-C as comet had 
sufficiently but by then it was too light. That was on July 25 00:36-01:47 UT.
So I spent a lot of time on this one observation.

Not sure how to report a negative observation unless one assumes that the comet
is the same coma diameter as previously seen and do a magnitude estimate of the
faintest star defocussed to the same degree and unable to be detected.

21P observations continue but the bright Moon and hazy sky causing problems.



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