[BAA Comets] 46P now 6th magnitude

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Fri Nov 30 08:01:50 GMT 2018


I know that Andrew Robertson (Norfolk/Suffolk border) also got a visual 
view last night through his Mewlon. Unfortunately the rain didn't clear 
here until after midnight but there is a chance tonight.


On 29/11/2018 23:40, David Swan wrote:
> Congrats Owen -
> I went out with my 10 x 50 binos and couldn't spot it. I star hopped: Deneb Kaitos -> Tau Ceti -> Ups and 57 Ceti (pretty in binos) -> host star field. I confirmed that I was looking in the right place by comparing the 5 deg bino star field with the output of my planetarium app.
> Using 1s exposures to prevent saturation by light pollution, I was able to pick it up with my Hyperstar though. A contrast with those Siding Spring images that I have been taking remotely!! See my member's page if interested.
> David Swan

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