[BAA Comets] C/2017T2 this morning from Southend, Essex

Peter Carson petercarson100 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 11:08:37 BST 2019

Hi All,
The sky this morning in Essex was about as good as its gets for me and C/2017T2 PanSTARRS just cleared various obstructions as viewed from my observatory. Here’s my image taken at the start of astronomical dawn with the comet at about 15 degs altitude. http://www.astromania.co.uk/2017T2_20190808_0159_PCarson.jpg
It’s showing  short 2 arcmin tail. I measured its m2 brightness at mag 14.45 with a 6.6 arcsec rad aperture and it’s m1 brightness at 14.34 over a coma of 22.6 arcsec dia.
Its certainly changed since I last took a series of images in the late autumn / winter of 2018, lets hope it keeps changing for the better.

All the best
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