[BAA Comets] C/2017 T2 visual/imaging opp

Dave McCracken dgmccracken at msn.com
Mon Oct 28 16:28:11 GMT 2019


I saw the David Swan alert and had a go. This is my first try at a faint object like this. I think the stacking process over approx 45 minute  period has smudged the comet, but it was too faint to use the comet option in DSS.

Also attached, is a Plate Solve screen shot using an Altair ED70 refractor to confirm I was in the right ball park.

L: Skellingthorpe LN65TR
Site  (53.2364° N, 0.6206° W),53d 14m 10s N, 00d 37m 10s W
Elevation for this location is 13 meters (OS Map).
Magnetic variation 2d West (2017)
Street lights and the local public house flood lights illuminated the site to South before midnight.

O: Dave McCracken
T: Celestron C8 SCT,FL 2000mm
G: 50mm Finder + QHY5L-M, PHD v1.14.2, error +/- 0.5 pixels (+/- 2")
C: Canon 450D (modified), APT v3.63
E: 36x30s 1600 raw, UTC00-54-49 to UTC01-41-53
I: 0.96"/ pixel, 36' x 24'

P1: Deep Sky Stack Light + Flats + Bias + Darks, Kappa Sigma 2/5
p2: n/a
P3: n/a

From: Comets-disc <comets-disc-bounces at lists.britastro.org> on behalf of Nick James <ndj at nickdjames.com>
Sent: 27 October 2019 22:49
To: BAA Comets discussion list <comets-disc at lists.britastro.org>; David Swan <djswanastro at outlook.com>
Subject: Re: [BAA Comets] C/2017 T2 visual/imaging opp


Thanks for the reminder. I noticed that it was getting close a few days
ago. It just fits in my field of view. A nice clear, moonless night here
in Chelmsford.


On 27/10/2019 18:37, David Swan wrote:
> Hello,
> C/2017 T2 will pass less than half a degree from the open cluster M36 this evening. It may be a good photo opportunity.
> Of note, T2 will likely pass the Double Cluster (!) in late Jan - although a little further away.
> It remains to be seen how bright this comet gets: I though Pete Lawrence mentioning it on The Sky at Night was brave.
> David
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