[BAA Comets] Upcoming conjunction of C/2018 N2 and 260P

Mike Paling mikepaling at madasafish.com
Fri Sep 6 08:25:10 BST 2019

Hi ...
How do I get the "animated gif" working ?
I just get a blank black rectangle :-(

I am using latest version of Firefox

Cheers Mike

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Swan
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2019 5:46 PM
To: comets-disc at lists.britastro.org
Subject: [BAA Comets] Upcoming conjunction of C/2018 N2 and 260P

Hello all,

Maik Meyer has highlighted on Twitter that C/2018 N2 and 260P will be very 
close together in the sky (coming within 30 arcmin) on the night of 6/7th 

Michael Jager has already captured these comets, both of which have nice 
tails, in the same field with his C8 RASA. There's a fantastic animated gif 


Best wishes,

David Swan

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