[BAA Comets] Comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS

David Swan djswanastro at outlook.com
Thu Jan 9 20:42:08 GMT 2020

Excellent image, Peter. New brightish comet on MPC PCCP (?): IF033, currently in Oph. May be able to get an image of the area tomorrow morning around 0630. David Swan

From: Comets-disc <comets-disc-bounces at lists.britastro.org> on behalf of Peter Tickner <peter.tickner1472 at btinternet.com>
Sent: 09 January 2020 08:00
To: comets-disc at lists.britastro.org
Subject: [BAA Comets] Comet C/2017 T2 PANSTARRS

I've imaged this comet a few times over the last two months and have posted a stacked image from 22 December on the website.  Coma and tail have come out reasonably well. I hope to process some captures with a different camera but same telescope on 6 January shortly.


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