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Spectrum of AC Her by Hugh Allen Home Login
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Object Id Object Type Object Subtype Comment Validated AAVSO AUID

Object IdObject Type - SubtypeCommentLast ModifiedValidatedAUID
10 CasBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBB-163
10 LacDouble or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
104PCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:03:00Yes
105 TauBeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
11 CamBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
11 CygBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
120 TauBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
12PCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:17:45Yes
13 TauBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
14LacBeCreated by Magnus Larsson while uploading observations2025-02-10 06:37:46No
15 HyaSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
15 MonBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
15 Vulalpha2 CVn VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
1529LEO ABe CandidateCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2017-04-02 12:37:20Yes
1529LEO BBe CandidateCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2017-04-02 12:37:24Yes
16 PegBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
16 PupStarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:13:13Yes
17 sexBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
17 TauBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
18 AndBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
18 GemBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
19 MonBeCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
19 PupStarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:13:42Yes
1SgrStarCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:13:59Yes
2 CetBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:55:56Yes
2 LynEclipsing BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
2 OriBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
20 VulBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
228 EriBeCreate by Albert Stiewing while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
24 MonStarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:14:07Yes
25 CygBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
25 PegBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCQ-008
25 VulBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
28 CygBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
29 AndSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBB-886
29PCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:03:05Yes
2E 3934Seyfert Type 1Create by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
2MASS J03415116+1720496QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:18:47Yes
2MASS J19095965+0437597Semi-Regular VariableCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BNH-022
30 CygVariable of Unknown TypeCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observation. Changed subtype from Carbon Star 20230118 R Leadbeater2023-01-18 00:26:37Yes
31 CygEclipsing BinaryCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
31 PegBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
32 AurNon VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
32 CygEclipsing BinaryCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
32 HerDelta Scuti VariableCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:40:19Yes
39 CapBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
3C 273QuasarCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
3C279QuasarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
4 AqlBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
4 HerBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
4 LibNon VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
4 SgrHigh Proper-MotionCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
43 OriBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
45 OriStarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:14:13Yes
46PCometCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-05-08 07:13:50Yes
47 CetNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
48 LibBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
4C 27.50QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-10-07 16:01:27No
4PCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:03:08Yes
5 CETEclipsing BinaryCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BBB-190
5 CncBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
51 OPHBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
52 Heralpha2 CVn VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
53 BOOBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
55 Cygalpha Cyg VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
57 CygEclipsing BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
59 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
6 CepBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
60 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
62 Orialpha Cyg VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:57:19Yes
64 SerBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
66 OphBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
67PCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:03:11Yes
69 OriBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
7 CamSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
7 CepNon VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
7 VulBeCreated by Sean Curry while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
7C 1821+6419Seyfert Type 1Created by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
8 lac ABeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
8 LAC BBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
8C 1803+784BL LacCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
93 LeoRS CVn VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:16:04Yes
AB AurHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AB DraDwarf NovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
AD LeoFlare StarCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BBR-359
AE AurIrregular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCT-862
AF PerSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCW-761
AG DraSymbiotic2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AG PegSymbiotic2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AH HerDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AL ComDwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBS-922
alf AurSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
alf CamBlue Supergiant2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BBH-588
alf CMiSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
alf CrBEclipsing BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
alf DraSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:34:17Yes
alf Her BSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
alf MonHigh Proper-MotionCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:21:35Yes
alf OriSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
alf PerVariable of Unknown TypeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
alf UmiCepheid VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
Alfa SextantisStarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:14:28Yes
AlgolEclipsing BinaryCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
AlkaidHigh Proper-MotionCreated by Uwe Zurmühl while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
AlmachDouble or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BBD-414
alp Gem ASpectroscopic BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
alpha Andalpha2 CVn VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
alpha BooNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Alpha TauSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ALTAIRNon VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AM HerAM HerCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:37:53Yes
AQ EriSubtype not in databaseCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-13 11:42:01No
AR AndDwarf NovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
AS 201SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:32:02Yes
AS 245SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJT-840
AS 316SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BLH-154
AS 327SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDB-940
AS 4BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AS 53BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AS CasCepheid VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
AS255SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
ASAS J071404+7004.3Dwarf NovaCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BLK-909
ASAS J182647-2415.8Symbiotic CandidateCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:04:20Yes000-BNN-736
ASAS J185604-2327.2Symbiotic CandidateCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2019-09-28 15:56:39Yes
ASASSN-14lpSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ASASSN-15faSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ASASSN-15fzSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ASASSN-18ciDwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2018-10-07 14:02:19Yes000-BMP-248
ASASSN-18eyX-ray BinaryCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BMP-599
ASASSN-19omNova CandidateCreate by Peter Somogyi while uploading observations2019-09-28 15:57:47Yes
ASASSN-21gkVariable of Unknown TypeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
ASASSN-V J163807.84-284207.6Symbiotic CandidateCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:04:53Yes000-BNN-732
ASASSN-V J192916.53-224040.3Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2019-04-06 16:07:46Yes
AT 2018hldNovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
AT 2018jasNovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
AT 2018jgoTransient of Unknown TypeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2019-04-06 16:12:29Yes
AT 2019agtNovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
AT 2019qcgNova CandidateCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2019-09-28 15:58:36Yes
AT 2019vwwDwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BNJ-222
AT 2020eomNova CandidateCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:07:44Yes
AT 2020lrnNon VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:08:30Yes
AT 2021afpiDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:38:32Yes000-BPF-604
AT 2021bxpDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BNW-087
AT 2022jrpDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:06:03Yes
AT 2023ijdSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:22:27Yes
AT 2023omgDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:21:42Yes
AT 2023txnSymbiotic CandidateCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:23:21Yes
AT 2024haiDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:20:22Yes
AT 2024vfDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
AT CncRecurrent NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBP-677
AT2024rwqTransient of Unknown TypeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-16 10:44:37No
AT2024xhnDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-10-12 22:48:59No
ATLAS18olbDwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2018-08-05 10:09:56Yes
AW CVnSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBV-031
AX MonBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AX PerSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
AY LacDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:22:21Yes000-BCQ-344
AZ CasEclipsing BinaryCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BC CMISemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:25:34Yes
BD CamSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+25 103StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:33:43Yes
BD+27 3970BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+35 111Be CandidateCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:16:02Yes
BD+35 1169Be CandidateCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+36 4145BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+40 4353BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+45 681Be CandidateCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
BD+46 3022BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:00:44Yes
BD+46 3087BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+49 2768BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:06:31Yes
BD+53 2964BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+54 2399BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+54 2775Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:32:02Yes
BD+55 521BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+56 251BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:01:01Yes
BD+56 2811BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:01:24Yes
BD+56 511BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+56 534BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+56 727BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+57 2678BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+572581Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:59:11Yes
BD+58 310Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:59:01Yes
BD+58 492BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+58 610BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+59 246BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+59 343BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+60 2405BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+60 2584BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+60 2645Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:58:51Yes
BD+60 307BeCreated by Sean Curry while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+60 368BeCreated by Sean Curry while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+60 393BeCreated by Sean Curry while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+61 105BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:01:40Yes
BD+61 154Herbig Ae/BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+61 2380BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+61 2494BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+61 371BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:37:45Yes
BD+61 39BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+62 11BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+62 2346BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+62 261BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
BD+62 271BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:14:47Yes
BD+62 285BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+62 300BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD+62 89BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:03:21Yes
BD+63 1964Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
BD+63 48BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
BD+65 1970BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:00:01Yes
BD+73 456Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD-10 2133BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BD-11 2043BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BE LynDelta Scuti VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
bet AriSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet CepBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet CMiBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet CrBalpha2 CVn VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Bet Cyg BBeCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet DraNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet LeoDelta Scuti VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBS-422
bet LYREclipsing BinaryCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
bet Mon ABeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet PscBeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet UMaNon VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
bet UMiNon VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BF CygSymbioticCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BF OriHerbig Ae/BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BH CepYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-385
BI CygIrregular VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:07:20Yes000-BCL-401
BK CamBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BK VirSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BL CAMVariable of Unknown TypeCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:53:11Yes
BL LacBL LacCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCP-832
BN GemBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-938
BQ GEMSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:26:03Yes
BS CamDelta Scuti VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDH-354
BX MonSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
BY BOOIrregular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:29:03Yes
BY DraBY Dra VariableCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-861
C2013US10CometCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2016-11-17 21:18:15Yes
C2014 Q2 LovejoyCometCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2016-11-17 21:18:20Yes
C2015 V2CometCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2018-04-08 10:42:00Yes
C2017 T2 PanSTARRSCometCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:22:13Yes
C2019 Y4 ATLASCometCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:22:39Yes
C2020 F3 NEOWISEComet2021-05-08 07:13:58Yes
C2020 R4 ATLASCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:42:12Yes
C2020 V2 ZTFCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:53:36Yes
C2021 A1 LeonardCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:03:43Yes
C2022 E3 ZTFCometCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:53:50Yes
C2023 A3CometCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-10-18 11:59:46No
C2023 H2 LemmonCometCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:18:12Yes
CastorNon VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CD-22 4761BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
CE TauSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBJ-529
CH CygSymbiotic2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CH UMaDwarf NovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:43:56Yes
chi CygMira Variable2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
chi DraSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
chi OphBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
chi UMaHigh Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CI CygSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CK OriLong Period VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
CL ScoSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBY-156
CM AqlSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDD-650
CN OriDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CQ DraSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CQ TauHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBJ-683
CQ UMaalpha2 CVn VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CR CAMBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CR DraFlare StarCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:40:54Yes
CT CamBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
CU CepSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:21:52Yes000-BCQ-097
CU DRAIrregular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:29:26Yes
CX DRABeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Cygnus X-1MicroquasarCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
d BooSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Gerald Persha while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
d SgrNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
DD MicSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
DE CamBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
del CepCepheid VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCQ-471
del HyaDouble or MultipleCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:54:48Yes
del ScoBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
del SgeSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCH-941
DenebNon VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
DN DraWhite DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
DN GemNovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBM-043
DQ SerSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
DT PSCSymbioticCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
DY HerDelta Scuti VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
EC 10475-2118BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
EE CepBeCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
EF AqlSymbioticCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCT-657
EF CepEclipsing BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDL-257
EG AndSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
EM AS521BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:27:56Yes
EM CepBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
EM CygDwarf NovaCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCH-370
EM_star AS 518BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:35:26Yes
EM_star AS521BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:28:54Yes
EM_star CDS 477BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:36:06Yes
EM_star GGA 163BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:38:30Yes
EM_star GGA 166BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:35:49Yes
EM_star GGA 168BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2019-09-28 16:12:43Yes
EM_star MWC 50BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:38:48Yes
EM_star MWC 711BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:39:05Yes
EM_star MWC 715BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:39:21Yes
EN SgrMira VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFD-711
eps AqrStar2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
eps AurEclipsing BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BCT-905
eps BooNon VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
eps CasBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
eps HerSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
eps PerEclipsing BinaryCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
EQ PegFlare StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:56:00Yes
ER DelSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-817
ER UMaDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-788
ES DraDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BBW-148
eta CygNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ETA GEMSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:56:45Yes
eta HyaPulsating VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:57:23Yes
eta LeoVariable of Unknown TypeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-183
eta OriBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
eta TauBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
EuropaSatelliteCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:57:33Yes
EV AqrMira VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-13 11:37:49No
EV LacFlare StarCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:08:30Yes000-BCQ-725
EWLacBeCreated by Magnus Larsson while uploading observations2025-02-10 06:37:41No
EX DraDwarf NovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
EZ CMaWolf-RayetCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-032
FastT 1100SymbioticCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BMT-740
FF CAMBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
FG SerSymbiotic2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
FK HyaSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:27:46Yes
FN CMaPulsating VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:58:10Yes
FN SgrSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
FO AqrSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJN-855
FO PerDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBG-622
FU OriFU Ori VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
FV CMaBeCreate by Albert Stiewing while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
FY CMABeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
FZ CncSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
G 180-057White DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:09:49Yes
G 200-39White DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:09:47Yes
G 74-7White DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:09:45Yes
GAIA 23cseSymbioticCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:17:32Yes
Gaia21efsMicrolensCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BPD-988
gam CasBe2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
gam CMaNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
gam GemSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
gam LyrNon VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
gam OriVariable of Unknown TypeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBJ-272
gam PegBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
gam UMiDelta Scuti VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
GD 358White DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:09:43Yes
GG CncSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BCV-005
GH GemSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
GK PerNovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
GP VirBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
GSC 02037-01228Non VariableCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:01:13Yes
GSC 05140-03255Symbiotic CandidateCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BNG-637
GU CMaBeCreate by Albert Stiewing while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
GY CncDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-304
HD 209621Carbon StarCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2024-09-13 22:41:42No
HD 232940BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2025-02-07 23:37:34No
HD 33948Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-12-20 15:52:11No
HD 43681BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2025-02-07 23:37:29No
HD002789BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD003574Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD005916Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD013561BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD014221Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD020017BeCreated by Sean Curry while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:22:21Yes
HD020041Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD023463Non VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD023479Double or MultipleCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD026911Subtype not in databaseCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:24:57Yes
HD027383Double or MultipleCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:54:24Yes
HD030834Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD038191BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD038751Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD040020High Proper-MotionCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD041636Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD055575Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD059381Irregular VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD085503High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD089744BY Dra VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD093521Be CandidateCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD100180Double or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD101501Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD101606Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD10307Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD103578Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD106625High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD107348BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD108954High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD109995Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD110801StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-11-05 19:52:02No
HD111180Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD112014Be CandidateCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD112028BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD112413alpha2 CVn VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD114710Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD114762Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD116657Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:41:28Yes
HD120136Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD120787Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD12243Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:58:26Yes
HD122563Peculiar StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:22:48Yes
HD124694Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD127617BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD12856BeCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
HD13043High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD131156ANon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD13196Double or MultipleCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:54:45Yes
HD13267Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD136064Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD13669BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD137759Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD13867BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD138764Pulsating VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCW-250
HD140283Peculiar StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:23:06Yes
HD144432Herbig Ae/BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD145976Double or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD146624High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD147196BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD147232Long Period VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD147379Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD147379BBY Dra VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD14947LBVCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD151067Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:58:15Yes
HD155358Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD156831BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD156928StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:34:12Yes
HD157056BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-13 11:37:26No
HD158319BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD159082Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD159332High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD15963BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD160933Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD160934Flare StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:59:19Yes
HD161306BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD161695Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD162428BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
HD162917High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD163296Herbig Ae/BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:25:42Yes
HD163848BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD164136Long Period VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBZ-863
HD164906BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD164947BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD165202BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:40:41No
HD165687High Proper-MotionCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD166256BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD166285Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD166566BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD166937Eclipsing BinaryCreate by Paul Luckas while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD167375BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD168135BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD168454Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCC-079
HD168957BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:14:30Yes
HD169027Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD169033BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD169805BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD170009BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:58:53Yes
HD171219BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD171780BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD172694BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD173371BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD173524alpha2 CVn VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCD-014
HD173530BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:16:49Yes
HD173664Non VariableCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:58:15Yes
HD173667Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD17378alpha Cyg VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD173817BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:01:58Yes
HD174105BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:14:36Yes
HD174179BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:14:41Yes
HD174512Subtype not in databaseCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:38:44No
HD174571BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD174704Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD174886Subtype not in databaseCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:40:28No
HD17505BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD175511BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD175863BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD176630BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD177648BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:38:32Yes
HD179218Herbig Ae/BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:33:06Yes
HD179343BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:14:47Yes
HD180482StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-09-25 13:58:49No
HD180711Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD181231BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD181308BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD181367BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD181409BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:30:20Yes
HD181470Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD181615BeCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD181709BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD181751Be CandidateCreate by Andrew Smith while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
HD181803BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD182110Non VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD182550BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD182640BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD18331Non VariableCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD183324Non VariableCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD183339BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD184061Be CandidateCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD184738PlanetaryCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD184767BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD18552BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD18633Non VariableCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD186485Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:57:41Yes
HD187350BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD187811BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD187879Eclipsing BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD18877BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD188899High Proper-MotionCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD189689BeCreated by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:14:52Yes
HD189847Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:57:29Yes
HD190150BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD190864BeCreated by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:17:09Yes
HD190944BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD191378BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD191494Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:58:07Yes
HD192249Cepheid VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:00:12Yes
HD192445BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD192640BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD192954BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD193182BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD193516BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD19373High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD194057BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:12:19Yes
HD194779BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD195407BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD195554BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD196712BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD197038BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:55:18Yes
HD197434BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD198931BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD199218BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD19993BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD201335Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD20134BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD201522BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
HD201836BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD20210Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD203024Herbig Ae/BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:06:33Yes
HD203356BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD203374BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD20340BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD203699BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD203731BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD204185BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD204772High Proper-MotionCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD204860BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:14:57Yes
HD205021BStarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-09-25 14:18:04No
HD205060BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:22:58Yes
HD205551BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
HD20566BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD206773BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD207203Non VariableCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD207232BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD207673Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD207971High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD208220BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD208440Non VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD208682BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD20899BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD209409BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD209459Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD209975Double or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD21051TTSCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:13:07Yes
HD210595Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD212666BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD213088BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD213398High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD21362BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD214167StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:39:10No
HD214168BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:39:20No
HD21455BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD215227BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD215605BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD216044BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD216057BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:23:23Yes
HD21620BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD216200BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD21641BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD21650BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD217050BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD217061BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD217476Semi-Regular VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD218066BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD218725StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD219523Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:57:15Yes
HD220334Double or MultipleCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:17:42Yes
HD220575Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD220657High Proper-MotionCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD222185Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:57:02Yes
HD223044BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD223501BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 13:02:41No
HD223924Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:56:53Yes
HD224544BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD22484Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD224905BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD225095BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD225146LBVCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD227611BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD22780BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD228041BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD228104BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD228438BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD229171BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:00:21Yes
HD23194Delta Scuti VariableCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD232552BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD232590BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD23552BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD235668BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 13:03:53No
HD235795BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD236580StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD236940BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD237056BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD237090BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD237091BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD237118BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD237134BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD23800BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD23982BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD240010BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:40:59No
HD24421Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD244421SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJW-811
HD24479BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD244894BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD245493BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD245546BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD24912BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD249695BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD250163BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD250289BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD251726BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD253339BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:18:05Yes
HD25490StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD257473BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD25940BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD259597BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD259631BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD26Carbon StarCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
HD26398BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD26536Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD26961Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD27126Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD27295alpha2 CVn VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD276886BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD27808High Proper-MotionCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD27846BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:15:27Yes
HD28099BY Dra VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD281159Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD28543Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:56:45Yes
HD29035BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD29037StarCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD29373BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD29866BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD30123BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD30453Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD30677BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD31295High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD31648Herbig Ae/BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD319167SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJT-856
HD32050Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD32188BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD32328Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD32655Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD33152BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD333226BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD33656Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:56:36Yes
HD33948StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-12-17 01:41:41No
HD339483BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD33988BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD340611White DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
HD34257BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD344873BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD345120BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD345122BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:37:34No
HD34906Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:56:26Yes
HD34921BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD35187BBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD35345BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD35347BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD35439BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD35652BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
HD36012BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD36376BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD36384Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD36467Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:56:16Yes
HD37149BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD37266BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2025-01-18 18:24:39No
HD37318BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD37330BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD37352BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD37366Double or MultipleCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
HD37541BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:56:00Yes
HD38120BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD38238BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD38656Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD38856BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD38858High Proper-MotionCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD38960SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJW-812
HD39357Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:41:46Yes
HD39970Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCY-099
HD40193BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD40724Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:56:08Yes
HD40894Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD41600Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:55:58Yes
HD42406BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD42477BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD42529BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD43285BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:32:48Yes
HD43681Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:55:48Yes
HD43703BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD43837BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD43913BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD43947Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD44478Semi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:28:10Yes
HD44637BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD44783BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD44996BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
HD45995BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD46089Delta Scuti VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:08:20Yes
HD46202LBVCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
HD46380BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD46703Semi-Regular VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD47054BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD47129LBVCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD47160BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD47761BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD48282BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD4931BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD49330BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
HD50209BeCreate by Arnold de Bruin while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD50581BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:59:18Yes
HD50658BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD50763High Proper-MotionCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:24:57Yes
HD50820BeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:15:03Yes
HD51506BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
HD52437BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-19 23:14:22No
HD53085BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-10 10:19:01No
HD53416BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD53667BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD53921Double or MultipleCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD5501Eclipsing BinaryCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD55185Non VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD55200BeCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:30:23Yes
HD56039BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD57682BeCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBM-950
HD57775BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD58859Variable of Unknown TypeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:35:53Yes
HD60855BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD61224BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD61913BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD62367BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
HD628Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:55:35Yes
HD63021Non VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD63112StarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
HD6343BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD63729StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-10 10:18:35No
HD64109BeCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD65079BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD6676Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:57:58Yes
HD67888BeCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD6834Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD68468BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD70340BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD70422Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD71072BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD71155High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD72043BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD72660Non VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD73194StarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:47:28Yes
HD73281StarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:47:38Yes
HD74721Horizontal Branch StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HD76292High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD7636BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 13:04:13No
HD76868BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD7720BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD77350Spectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD78234High Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD78366Non VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD79066High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD81357BeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD84737High Proper-MotionCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD84765High Proper-MotionCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
HD85235Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD87141Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD87696Delta Scuti VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD88737High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD89010Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD89021High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD89758Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
HD89884BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD91120BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD93901Delta Scuti VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD95735BY Dra VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD9612BeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD96656Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD9709BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD97633High Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HD98230Spectroscopic BinaryCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:41:57Yes
HD9878Be CandidateCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Hen 2-247SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
Hen 2-374SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Hen 3-1342SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Hen 3-1410SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BKR-739
Hen3-1591SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
Hilt 1035LBVCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HIP 16243Young Stellar ObjectCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HIP032480High Proper-MotionCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
HIP114066Flare StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:02:06Yes
HIP25953Flare StarCreated by Andrew Smith while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:15:14Yes
HIP51685Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HK ScoSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBY-148
HL LibBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HM LeoDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCY-197
HM SgeNovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
HR LyrNovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCD-522
HS 0229+8016Dwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFT-093
HZ HerX-ray BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
I HyaBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
IC 1586Galaxy of Unknown TypeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
IoSatelliteCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2023-08-09 13:31:22Yes
iot AndNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
iot AurVariable of Unknown TypeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:23:43Yes
iot DelBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
iot HyaHigh Proper-MotionCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:43:21Yes
iot LyrBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
IP PerHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BBG-127
IQ UMaSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-837
IR GemDwarf NovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
IRAS 00500+6713StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
IRAS 03536+6235R Coronae Borealis VariableCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BMT-403
IRAS 19050+0001Symbiotic CandidateCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
IRAS 19075+0432Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BNG-294
IRAS 19415+2305Semi-Regular VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
IV VirSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
J17460t0+2321.3Nova CandidateCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2017-01-01 10:56:53Yes
JupiterPlanetCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2016-11-19 16:54:48Yes
kap AqlBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
kap DraBeCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-882
kap UMaDouble or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
kappa PerHigh Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
KIC 8462852Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BLS-628
KIC 9832227Eclipsing BinaryCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ksi01 SgrStarCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:48:29Yes
KT CygBeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
KUG 2207+174Galaxy of Unknown TypeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
KX AndBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
KY AndBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
lam CygBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
lam EriBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
lam SgrHigh Proper-MotionCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
Landolt78Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2017-04-02 13:39:25Yes
Landolt80Non VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2017-04-02 13:39:29Yes
LL AndDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
LL CasMira VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
LQ AndBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
LT DelSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
LT DraNon VariableAAVSO consider it now to be non-variable even though SIMBAD give it as an R CrB2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
M 1-21SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-09 07:59:26Yes
M101SpiralCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:07:31Yes
M27PlanetaryCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
M31SpiralCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
M42HII RegionCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
M57PlanetaryCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
M76PlanetaryCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
M82Spiral2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
M85EllipticalCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:14:35Yes
M87EllipticalCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
M97PlanetaryCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
MaC 1-17SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-09 07:57:55Yes000-BJT-993
MaC 1-9SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
MarsPlanetCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2017-04-02 13:40:04Yes
MASTER OT J140958.91+174549.4SupernovaSupernova candidate2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
MenkalinanEclipsing BinaryCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
MeropeBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
MG1-688432RS CVn VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:02:56Yes
MirachHigh Proper-MotionCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
miu OriSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:06:08Yes
miu UMaSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2019-04-06 17:28:18Yes
MizarEclipsing BinaryCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Mizar ASpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
MQ CasYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BDJ-730
Mrk 1486IrregularCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:56:34Yes
MV LyrSymbioticCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:39:47Yes
MWC 433BeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
MWC 728BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
MWC 960SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCD-312
MZ AurBeCreated by Sean Curry while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:30:36Yes
NeptunePlanetCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2017-04-02 13:40:44Yes
NGC 1068Seyfert Type 2Create by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
NGC 1275Seyfert Type 2Created by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
NGC 2392PlanetaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 2403SpiralCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 2903SpiralCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 3242PlanetaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 3310AGNCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:07:07Yes
NGC 3690Interacting GalaxiesCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:28:31Yes
NGC 399SpiralCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 4545SpiralCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:20:43Yes
NGC 4647SpiralCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:21:03Yes
NGC 4649EllipticalCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:21:29Yes
NGC 5461HII RegionCreated by Uwe Zurmühl while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:10:19Yes
NGC 6214SpiralCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 6309PlanetaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 6543PlanetaryCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 6910 26StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 14:23:51Yes
NGC 6910 47StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 14:24:02Yes
NGC 7026PlanetaryCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
NGC 7331AGNCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NGC 7625AGNCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
NGC 7769AGNCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:19:27Yes
NGC 7770EllipticalCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:19:53Yes
NGC 7771SpiralCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:20:14Yes
NGC 884 2079BeCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
niu AndSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2019-10-06 09:04:16Yes
niu CygBeUsing niu for greek nu to avoid confusion with different star NU Cyg2018-08-05 12:16:10Yes
Nova Cas 2020NovaCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BNP-446
Nova Cen 2017NovaCreate by Paul Luckas while uploading observations2018-04-08 10:28:29Yes000-BMH-424
Nova CMa 2018NovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BMQ-013
Nova Cyg 2014NovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
Nova DelNovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2017-04-02 13:41:19Yes
Nova Her 2021NovaCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
Nova Oph 2015NovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
Nova Per 2020NovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
Nova Sct 2017NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BMJ-092
Nova Sct 2018NovaCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
Nova Sgr 2020 No. 3NovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-09 08:12:53Yes000-BNP-232
Nova Sgr 2023bNovaCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:26:10Yes
Nova Vul 2021NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-07-31 11:56:05Yes000-BPB-771
NQ GemSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
NQ PUPIrregular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:06:44Yes
NS HyaSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:28:31Yes
NSV 4168Dwarf NovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:14:14Yes
NSV 5059Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-903
NSV 6690AGNCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:22:20Yes000-BPG-795
NSV11988Semi-Regular VariableCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2018-04-08 13:34:48Yes000-BMF-355
NSV23386Flare StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:07:08Yes
NSVS 708833SymbioticCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2019-04-06 17:33:27Yes
NU UMaEclipsing BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BLV-492
NW SerBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCC-113
ome OriBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
omi 1 OriSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:08:33Yes
omi AndBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
omi CasBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
omi CetMira VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
omi HerBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
omi LeoSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
omi SgrHigh Proper-MotionCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
OR CepCarbon StarCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
OS CMaalpha Cyg VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:09:12Yes
OT GemBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
OY CygSymbioticCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:34:54Yes
OY HyaBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
P CygLBV2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PerseidShower2016-08-20 15:55:08Yes
PhecdaBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
phi AndBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
phi LeoBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
phi PerBeCreate by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBD-264
pi AqrBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
pi ERiPulsating VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
pi SgrDouble or MultipleCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:09:44Yes
PleioneBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:53:02Yes000-BBG-273
PN Pe 2-16SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJV-026
PN Th 3-18SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
PQ AndDwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBF-002
PQ GemSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PS1 J134743+495621QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:02Yes
PS1 J161737+595020QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:05Yes
PS1 J165436+732835QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:07Yes
psi PerBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCW-814
PSNJ13522411+3941286SupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PSNJ15024996+4847062SupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PU AurLong Period VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PU VulSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
PX UMaDelta Scuti VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BKN-398
PY GemBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PZ GemBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
PZGemBeCreated by Magnus Larsson while uploading observations2025-02-10 06:37:50No
QQ GemBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
QR VulBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
QSO B0754+394Seyfert Type 1Created by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
QSO B1634+7037QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
QSO J0831+5245QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
QT SerBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
QW SgeSymbioticCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
QY GemBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
R AndMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBB-589
R AqlMira VariableCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:10:54Yes
R AqrSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
R AriMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBD-631
R BooMira VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBV-561
R CasMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCS-187
R CrBCarbon StarCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
R CVnMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-972
R GemMira VariableCreated by Nick Tonkin while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:17:31Yes
R HyaMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-665
R LeoMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-798
R MonHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
R TriMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBF-162
R UMaMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-635
RegulusHigh Proper-MotionCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
rho CasLong Period VariableCreate by Andrew Wilson while uploading observation. Corrected to LPV 20230119 R Leadbeater2023-01-19 20:22:47Yes
rho CrBNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Rho Leoalpha Cyg VariableCreated by Gerald Persha while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:57:00Yes
rho01 SgrDelta Scuti VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
RigelEclipsing BinaryCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RR LeoRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-195
RR LyrRR Lyr VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCG-719
RR TauYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBJ-836
RS BooRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RS CncSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
RS CVnEclipsing BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-509
RS OphSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
RT AurCepheid VariableCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
RT SerNovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BCX-206
RU HerMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RV UMaRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RV VirMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RW AurYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBH-936
RW CepSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:13:07Yes
RW HyaSymbioticCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RW SexNova-likeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:03:54Yes
RW TauBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RX AndDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBC-342
RX BooSemi-Regular VariableMay also be a Carbon star2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RX LepSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
RX PupSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
RX UMaSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCX-400
RY CepMira VariableCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCR-444
RY DraCarbon StarCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-376
RY GemBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
RY LeoSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-126
RY TauTTSCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Ry UMaLong Period VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
RZ CepRR Lyr VariableCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDC-590
RZ LMiDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-912
S CAMSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Nick Tonkin while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:16:25Yes000-BBJ-944
S CrBMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
S LeoMira VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
S UMaMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-169
S VirMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-732
S5 0716+71BL LacCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SAO107380StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SAO107381StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SAO11709Variable of Unknown TypeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SAO20285BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SAO20288Non VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SDSS J010447.15+251422.0QuasarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
SDSS J095613.77+685723.9Transient of Unknown TypeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
sig SgrDouble or MultipleCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:13:30Yes
SiriusSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Rick Diz while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:32:59Yes
SN 2010dovSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:47Yes
SN 2014ASSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2014JSupernovaCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2015bpSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2016bmdSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2016bmeSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2016cojSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2016fnrSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2016gfrSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2016gfySupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2016gxpSupernovaCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2016inoSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2018-10-07 14:36:37Yes
SN 2016insSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2017eawSupernovaCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BMH-324
SN 2017gjnSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2017gxqSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2017hpnSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2018-10-07 14:36:46Yes
SN 2017htbSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2017hxxSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2017igfSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2017ijxSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2017iroSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2017ixgSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2017ixvSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2017jdxSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2017jetSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018acjSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018gwoSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018hnaSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018hoxSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2018ivcSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018KSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018LSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2018ohSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018pcSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018pvSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2018zdSupernovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BMP-587
SN 2019axfSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2019-04-06 18:23:06Yes
SN 2019BSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2019bkhSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2019einSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2019npSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2019vxmSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2020adowSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2020dpwSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2020epiSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2020-08-08 12:13:05Yes
SN 2020ftlSupernovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2020gpeSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2020hvfSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2020jfoSupernovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2020KSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2020oiSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2020ueSupernovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SN 2020uxzSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:54Yes
SN 2021dovSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:57Yes
SN 2021gmjSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2021hemSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2021hizSupernovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2021hprSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2021huwSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2021JSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
SN 2021jagSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
SN 2021jvsSupernovaCreated by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:27:43Yes
SN 2021KSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:27:46Yes
SN 2021wufSupernovaCreated by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:23:05Yes
SN 2021znySupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2022aaiqSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:14:16Yes
SN 2022ewjSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:23:16Yes
SN 2022fucSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:23:13Yes
SN 2022hrsSupernovaCreated by Jaroslaw Grzegorzek while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:23:11Yes
SN 2022oqmSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SN 2022pgfSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BPK-827
SN 2023ixfSupernovaCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
SN 2023vxtSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2023vylSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2023wrkSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024bygSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024cldSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024drvSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024ehsSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024exwSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024gySupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024higSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024hsqSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024iggSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024issSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2024shtSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-09-09 19:17:07No
SN 2024vsSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
SN 2025drSupernovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2025-02-01 20:46:05No
SN2024bchSupernovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
SpicaSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SS 295SymbioticCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BMT-750
SS 316Semi-Regular VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:06:05Yes
SS 433MicroquasarCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SS AurNovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SS CygDwarf NovaCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SS LepSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SS VirSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBS-817
SS443MicroquasarCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SS73 117SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:24:10Yes
SS73 122SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
ST BooRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ST PerEclipsing BinaryCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
ST UMaLong Period VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBS-211
StHA 149SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
StHa 154Symbiotic CandidateCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
StHA 164SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BJT-665
StHA 169SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDC-157
StHA 180SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJT-473
StHA 190SymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
StHa 198BeCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
StHa 32SymbioticCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJT-487
StHA 55SymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
StHa 63Symbiotic CandidateCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
SU AurTTSCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SU CamMira VariableCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBL-595
SU CasCepheid VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
SU DraRR Lyr VariableCreated by Nick Tonkin while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
SU LynSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDT-456
SU UMaDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SunSunCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:48:29Yes
SV CepYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCQ-330
SV LMiRS CVn VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BKR-898
SW BooRR Lyr VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBV-429
SW CepSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:13:43Yes000-BCV-369
SW UMaDwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBP-799
SX AurBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
SY CepEclipsing BinaryCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-370
SY CNcDwarf NovaCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
SZ LynDelta Scuti VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
T CenMira VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
T CepMira VariableCreate by Andy Wilson while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
T CrBSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
T CVnSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BBS-883
T HyaMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-068
T TauTTSCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
T UMiSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBT-772
tau02 HyaNon VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TCP J03005508+1802290Dwarf NovaCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
TCP J05390410+4748030Dwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2019-04-06 18:29:08Yes
TCP J05454551+5954307Dwarf NovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:25:05Yes
TCP J06373299-0935420Dwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
TCP J18154219+3515598Dwarf NovaCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BMH-724
tet AriBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:11:37Yes
tet CrBBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TH 3-18SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-09 09:28:08Yes
THE LEONon VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:16:08Yes
TON 618QuasarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
TT AriNovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
TT CygCarbon StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:25:23Yes
TU AndMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBB-788
TU CVNSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:26:24Yes
TU TauCarbon StarCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
TV AurSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TV BooRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBV-295
TV LeoRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBS-037
TW VirDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TX CVnSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TYC 1371-69-1Symbiotic CandidateCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
TYC 1542-2373-1Horizontal Branch StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:21:49Yes
TYC 1799-1159-1Variable of Unknown TypeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-13 06:52:43Yes
TYC 2428-695-1Be CandidateCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:57:50Yes
TYC 2798-319-1Carbon StarCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TYC 3151-3334-1BeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:02:33Yes
TYC 3178-815-1BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
TYC 3593-2368-1BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TYC 3612-1013-1BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 13:06:15No
TYC 3619-2473-1BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TYC 3995-1452-1BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TYC 4011-407-1BeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
TYC 4014-3145-1BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
TYC 4246-883-1Delta Scuti VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
TYC 4252-1019-1Double or MultipleCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:10:25Yes
TYC 4821-2051-1StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:34:56Yes
TYC 738-2418Non VariableCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-03-31 13:11:51Yes
TZ CrBRS CVn VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDN-094
TZ PerDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBD-601
TZ SexLong Period VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
U AndMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBC-588
U CepEclipsing BinaryCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
U CygMira VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCL-341
U GemDwarf NovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
U HerMira VariableCreated by Uwe Zurmühl while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:57:39Yes
U ScoRecurrent NovaCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BBX-412
UCAC4 477-038047StarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:15:55Yes
UCAC4-378-036539StarCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:18:10Yes
ups AndSpectroscopic BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ups CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ups TauDelta Scuti Variable2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
UranusPlanetCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2016-11-19 16:55:20Yes
UU HyaRR Lyr VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-571
UU SerSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFL-906
UV AurSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
UV CamCarbon StarCreated by John Coffin while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
UW LYNIrregular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:29:45Yes
UX OriYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBH-818
V BooSemi-Regular VariableAlso a Long Period Variable2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V CncMira VariableCreated by Nick Tonkin while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:17:52Yes
V CrbMira VariableCreated by Nick Tonkin while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:16:50Yes
V CVnMira VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0343 SerSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0352 AurDelta Scuti VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDH-024
V0372 SgeBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0404 LacBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0407 CygSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-654
V0414 AurBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0417 CepBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0440 AurLong Period VariableCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0457 SctBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0473 LyrCepheid VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCW-345
V0473 PerBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0483 SctSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFR-395
V0566 Casalpha Cyg VariableCreate by Andrew Smith while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCS-000
V0801 CasBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0810 CasBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0811 CasBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0817 CasBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V0919 SgrSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCX-030
V1016 CygSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 11:16:22Yes000-BCJ-813
V1026 ScoHerbig Ae/BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1040 ScoBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1044 CenSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-364
V1117 HerUXORCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2022-09-07 16:02:11Yes000-BCX-869
V1143 CygSpectroscopic BinaryCreated by Gerald Persha while uploading observations2024-09-26 17:33:25No
V1150 TauBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1165 TauBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBK-069
V1167 TauBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1196 ScoSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1261 OriSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1271 OriHerbig Ae/BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1294 AQLBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1295 AqlHerbig Ae/BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V1302 AqlVariable of Unknown TypeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:26:05Yes
V1307 OriHerbig Ae/BeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1329 CygSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCM-636
V1334 CygCepheid VariableCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDP-216
V1339 AqlBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1342 CasEclipsing BinaryCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BBF-203
V1362 CygBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1369 ORIBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1371 TauBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1390 OriBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1405 CasNovaCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:31:23Yes
V1410 OriHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1413 AqlSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1427 CygBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 13:03:35No
V1437 AqlBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
V1446 AqlBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
V1448 AqlBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1463 AqlBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1466 AqlBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V1478 CygBeCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:26:54Yes
V1578 CygHerbig Ae/BeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 12:20:51No
V1676 CygWolf-RayetCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCV-757
V1691 OriYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V1716 ScoNovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V1922 AqlSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BJT-525
V1972 CygBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BDP-718
V2113 CygBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2119 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2120 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2123 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2135 CygBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
V2136 CygBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2139 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2144 CygBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V2148 CygBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2155 CygBeCreated by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
V2156 CygBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2162 CygBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2163 CygBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-18 12:38:54No
V2166 CYGBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2172 CygBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2174 Cygalpha Cyg VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:33:34Yes
V2204 OphSymbioticCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
V2211 CygSubtype not in databaseCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:19:34Yes
V2307 OphBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BDY-698
V2315 OphBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2385 OphBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2428 CygSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFR-583
V2506 SgrSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCX-076
V2523 OphSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V2756 SgrSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-11-05 19:53:08No
V2860 OriNovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BNF-868
V2891 CygNovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BNG-814
V3005 OphSymbiotic CandidateCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2020-08-09 09:41:24Yes000-BNN-734
V3101 CygDwarf NovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:58:46Yes000-BND-892
V335 VULMira VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V341 SgeBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V346 OriHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V351 PerBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
V356 PERBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V357 LacBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V358 PerBeCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2024-08-03 11:05:26Yes
V361 PerBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V365 PERBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V374 CepBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V378 AndBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V380 CepHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V3804 SgrSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCX-083
V381 LacR Coronae Borealis VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:24:27Yes
V382 CasCarbon StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
V383 LacBY Dra VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:23:57Yes
V3890 SgrRecurrent NovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BCC-531
V392 PerDwarf NovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
V3929 SgrSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
V396 AurYoung Stellar ObjectCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:30:43Yes
V396 VulBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
V397 LACBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V4018 SgrSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCX-097
V4024 SgrBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V4074 SgrSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
V408 LACBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V409 LacBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
V415 AurBeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
V415 LacBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V416 AurBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V420 CepBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V420 PupBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-10 10:18:08No
V421 CepBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V423 LacBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
V426 OphDwarf NovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 12:45:38Yes
V426 SgeSymbioticCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BMS-818
V432 CepBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V4370 OphNovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:27:52Yes
V4379 SgrBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
V438 AurBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V439 CepBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V4409 SgrBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
V442 AndBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V443 HerSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V447 AurBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V447 SctBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V448 SctBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
V450 CepBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-12-18 12:10:21No
V455 ScoSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCX-140
V466 PerSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCW-794
V471 Lyralpha2 CVn VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCW-344
V471 PerEclipsing BinaryCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V502 PerBeCreate by Daniel Dejean while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V503 HerSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V510 OriYoung Stellar ObjectCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V529 CasBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V532 LyrBeCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V549 PerBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFC-394
V558 LyrBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V5668 SgrNovaCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
V568 CygBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V5759 SgrSymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2018-08-05 10:07:49Yes
V581 PerBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFC-416
V584 PerBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V5856 SgrNovaCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
V603 AqlNovaCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V615 CasSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V615 VulNovaCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:36:05Yes
V627 CasSymbiotic2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V627 PegDwarf NovaCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BJV-426
V6568 SgrNovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:01:58Yes
V659 SctNovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BNH-356
V6594 SgrNovaCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BNX-736
V6595 SgrNovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
V6598 SgrNovaCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
V667CasMira VariableCreated by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:18:06Yes
V694 MonSymbiotic2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V695 MonBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V696 MonBeCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V700 MonHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V711 TauRS CVn VariableCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V715 MonBeCreate by Alun Halsey while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V718 ScoBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-13 08:00:05Yes
V723 MonLong Period VariableCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V725 TauX-ray BinaryCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V731 TauBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V742 CasBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
V742 MonBeCreate by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V743 MonBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2021-06-12 14:26:35Yes
V744 MonBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
V763 MonBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V764 CasBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V771 SgrBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V777 CasBeCreate by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V780 CasBeCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V782 CasBeCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
V787 CasBeCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V813 CasBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
V818 CasBeCreate by Tim Lester while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BDK-153
V831 CasBeCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:03:02Yes
V838 MonNovaCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BBM-355
V844 HerSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:05:23Yes
V917 ScoSymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFL-143
V919 ScoWolf-RayetCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2025-01-10 10:31:46No
V923 AqlBeCreated by Erik Bryssinck while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
V934 HerSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V974 HerBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
V978 CasBeCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BFQ-096
V986 OphBeCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Ve2-57SymbioticCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
VegaNon VariableCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
VenusPlanetCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2017-04-02 13:46:58Yes
VES 735StarCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:20:09Yes
VV CepEclipsing BinaryCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes
VW UMaSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-892
VX CasYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBB-752
VY AqrDwarf NovaCreated by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCN-520
VY LeoLong Period VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
VY UMaCarbon StarCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBR-656
VZ CncDelta Scuti VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2025-01-18 18:41:06No
W AndMira VariableCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:20:36Yes
W BOOSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:26:46Yes
W CasCarbon StarCreated by John Coffin while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
W CMaSemi-Regular VariableCreated by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:24:53Yes
W CygSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCP-079
W OriCarbon StarCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
W PerSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBF-561
Wolf 28White DwarfCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2022-07-23 13:09:41Yes
WR 136Wolf-RayetCreate by Steve Cuthbert while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCK-897
WR 137Wolf-RayetCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
WR 140Wolf-RayetCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
WR 142bWolf-RayetCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
WR 151Wolf-RayetCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
WR 152Wolf-RayetCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
WR 153Wolf-RayetCreated by Uwe Zurmühl while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes
WR 155Wolf-RayetCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCQ-573
WR 156Wolf-RayetCreated by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
WR 3Wolf-RayetCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
WR 4Wolf-RayetCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
WR 5Wolf-RayetCreate by Forrest Sims while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Wray 15-1470SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BJT-541
WRAY 15-157SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 15:21:22Yes
WW VulYoung Stellar ObjectCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCG-736
WZ CasCarbon StarCreate by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
WZ LyrEclipsing BinaryCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
X CamMira VariableCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBH-362
X CncSemi-Regular VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-052
X CygCepheid VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCM-291
X HerSemi-Regular VariableMay also be a Carbon star2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
X LeoDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBQ-888
X OphMira VariableCreated by Kevin Gurney while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BCC-870
X PerX-ray BinaryCreate by Robin Leadbeater while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBG-453
X SgrCepheid VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:44:35Yes
Y CvnSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Olivier Garde while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Y CygEclipsing BinaryCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes000-BCM-695
Y GemSemi-Regular VariableCreate by David Boyd while uploading observations2023-07-22 11:27:10Yes000-BBN-532
Y PERMira VariableCreated by Nick Tonkin while uploading observations2021-06-12 15:17:09Yes
Y SgrCepheid VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BCC-110
YY HerSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
YZ CMiFlare StarCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2023-07-22 13:20:59Yes
YZ CncDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Z AndSymbioticCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Z CamDwarf NovaCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Z CMaHerbig Ae/BeCreate by Paolo Berardi while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Z CygMira VariableCreated by Uwe Zurmühl while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes
z HerBe2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
Z UMaSemi-Regular VariableCreate by Miguel Rodriguez while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes000-BBS-553
zet AndRS CVn VariableCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BCT-556
zet AurEclipsing BinaryCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2025-01-03 08:14:36No
zet CasPulsating VariableCreate by Tony Rodda while uploading observations2024-08-03 10:43:25Yes000-BBB-888
zet DraDouble or MultipleCreate by James Foster while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
zet GemCepheid VariableCreated by Hugh Allen while uploading observations2021-06-13 07:20:31Yes
zet OphBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
zet OriDouble or MultipleCreate by John Paraskeva while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
zet Ori ADouble or Multiple2022-07-23 12:29:05Yes
zet TauBeCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
ZOL1PlanetaryCreate by Joan Guarro while uploading observations2017-01-02 09:57:00Yes
ZZ CMiSymbioticCreate by Jacques Montier while uploading observations2021-06-12 10:49:05Yes
[ALS88] 1SymbioticCreated by James Foster while uploading observations2024-08-03 12:11:21Yes