The VSS was formed in 1890, the year the BAA was founded,
with the aim of collecting and analysing observations of variable stars. The
Section is run by a small group of Officers who deal with various aspects separately
but meet at intervals to discuss and decide future plans and policy. Feedback
to members is through the VSS Circulars published four times a year and through
the BAA Journal.
Some section data up to 1934 was published as BAA
Memoirs in the first half of the 20th century. Most records from 1890 to
1990 were kept as hand-written original reports and chronological lists. Recent
section directors have initiated and supported the computerisation project and
have gained finance and equipment from professional sources. Here is the list
of directors from 1891 to the present.
A list of observers who have data in the BAAVSS database can be seen here
Further observations are reported via;-
The Astronomer
A monthly magazine that aims to publish new observations in all fields of
astronomy. Variable star summary reports concentrate on eruptive variables.
The Society for Popular Astronomy
Formerly the JAS, the SPA encourages beginners to astronomy of all ages and
its variable star section has a program that includes several bright
variables that are logged in the BAAVSS database.
The Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand collates and coordinates
southern hemisphere observations. By a long-standing reciprocal agreement,
the RASNZ and BAAVSS exchange observational data on selected Northern/Southern
hemisphere variables.
For TA and SPA web pages follow links on the other Web Sites page.
As well as helping to monitor the activity of hundreds of variables and produce their light curves, the database enables the section to supply records to professional and amateur astronomers for analysis. Papers are published in the BAA Journal, the VSS Circulars and elsewhere. Anyone interested in section data for analysis should contact the Director, e-mail address on home page.