Edinburgh Workshop - October 18th 2008
Following the VSS Workshop organised by Des Loughney in Edinburgh on Saturday
18th October, we are pleased
to offer the speakers presentations for
members to download. It will probably be useful to view these in conjunction
with the short articles that the contributors have prepared which will appear in
the next Circular.
The Programme was as follows:-
Roger Pickard, Director of the Variable Star Section and President of the BAA:
"Introduction to CCD Observing".
John Toone, Chart Secretary "Visual Observing"
Robin Leadbeater, "Spectroscopy and Variable Stars"This presentation is
available on Robin's web site at:
Des Loughney, Eclipsing Binary Secretary "Observing Eclipsing Binaries in Auriga
Melvyn Taylor, Binocular Secretary "Binocular Variables"
The Director and BAA President discusses CCD photometry.
The delegates pose before the meeting begins.
Robin Leadbeater (left) and Workshop organiser Des Loughney (right) present their talks.