VSSC 105
John Isles was to be Director for just one further Circular (No. 72) before handing over to Tristram who was Director for the publication of Circulars 73-82. Gary Poyner was Director for the remainder of the issues from 83-100.
During this time there have also been three editors, Storm Dunlop (issues 72-74), Tristram Brelstaff (75-86) and now, of course, Karen Holland (88-).
Shortly after taking over as Director from Gary I felt it was time to produce another index and appealed for volunteers in Circular number 102. This met with a swift response, firstly from Phil Busby and then from Julie Farrer. After agreeing the format with our Editor, Karen Holland, they set to and produced the excellent index which is Variable Star Section Circular No. 105. I trust that members will agree that they have done a fine job and that they have taken the opportunity to build on previous experience. I must say I am much indebted to them and thank them heartily for their efforts.
Generally, the Circulars have retained the same format to that introduced a long time ago by Storm Dunlop, although there have been a number of cosmetic changes (sadly not always good as when we lost the familiar yellow cover, but happily that was re-instated after a short while). The production and distribution of the Circulars is not quite the job it was some years ago before the introduction of the PC and suitable software. However, it still takes a lot of time to prepare and our current Editor is also to be thanked for her efforts in getting each Circular out on time. However, without your contribution, there would not be a Circular! So, please if you have something to say about any aspect of variable stars and/or observing them, then please consider writing it up for the Circulars.
And finally, do I hear a volunteer for the next Index some time before 2010 which should see the production of a further 40 Circulars?!
Roger Pickard
The index; as a html table or as a simple text list