Known Variables in the Hipparcos data

Tony Markham

As has been seen1, the variability of some suspected variables has been confirmed by the Hipparcos results. What about the variables that were already "known". Did Hipparcos confirm their variability and periods ?

The following table shows a number of variables sorted according the the amount of variation detected and compares the periods found by Hipparcos with the GCVS data. n/a indicates that there was no entry for the variable in the Hipparcos Variability Annex. Periods are in days.

Variable      HIP    Hp scatter  HIP             GCVS data
                                 period      period      type
IS   Gem     32740     0.01      n/a          47         SRc
VW   Dra     84496     0.02      n/a         170         SRd
d    Ser     90441     0.03      n/a           -         I:
RX   Cep      3905     0.03      n/a          55         SRd
BU   Tau     17851     0.04        -           -         GCas
SW   CrB     76791     0.05      n/a         100         SRb
V377 Cas      1543     0.05      n/a           0.030     DSct
BN   Gem     37074     0.06        -           -         GCas
AB   Aur     22910     0.06        -           -         Ina
W    Boo     71955     0.09       35.33      450         SRb
XX   Cam     19340     0.10       26 ?         -         RCB
Beta Per     14576     0.14        -           2.8673043 EA/SD
RW   Cep    110504     0.16        -         346         SRd
Rho  Cas    117863     0.18        -         320         SRd
Rho  Per     14354     0.20  7.45 ?, 26.6 ?   50         SRb
TU   CVn     63024     0.25        -          50         SRb
RR   UMi     73199     0.26        1.5082 ?   43.3       SRb
TV   UMa     57362     0.38      125 ?        42         SRb
BK   Vir     61022     0.39      150 ?       150         SRb
AG   Peg    107848     0.47        -           -         Nc
g    Her     80704     0.48        -          89.2       SRb
RX   Boo     70401     0.51        -         340         SRb
R    CrB     77442     0.56        -           -         RCB
SW   Vir     64569     0.65      153.6       150         SRb
SX   Her     78994     0.74      206 ?       102.9       SRd
CH   Cyg     95413     0.78        -           -         ZAnd/SR
U    Del    102440     0.83        -         110         SRb
W    Cyg    106642     0.85      132.0       131.1       SRb
Beta Lyr     92420     0.93       12.940      12.913834  EB
AC   Her     90697     1.07       75.30       75.01      RVa
RZ   Cas     13133     1.10        1.195250    1.195247  EA/SD
R    Sct     92202     1.17        -         146.5       RVa
Z    UMa     58225     1.19      202.0       195.5       SRb
V    CVn     65006     1.39      191.5       191.89      SRa
U    Ori     28041     3.43      367         368.3       Mira
RW   Tau     18792    >3.80        2.76884     2.7688356 EA/SD
R    UMa     52546     4.32      299.7       301.62      Mira
Chi  Cyg     97627     5.19      402.3       408.05      Mira

Although the Hp photometric measures are not exactly the same as visual magnitudes, their scatter does give a good approximation as to the amount of variation seen in each variable by Hipparcos.

For some variables the amount of variation was clearly small - comparable with that seen for the less convincing suspected variables. Note also that the Mira variables will have faded below the detection limit at times.

The agreement on periods tends to be good for Mira type and eclipsing variables. For some semi-regular variables their is good agreement between the Hipparcos and GCVS values ; for others there is not. Hipparcos was able to detect short period and/or low amplitude variations in these variables more readily than can be done from visual estimates. The possible 26 day period in XX Cam is notable.

On the other hand, the 3 year mission duration and the limited number of measurements per star did make it difficult to detect longer periods or multiple periodicities. The limited number of measurements can also lead to minima being missed. This probably explains the failure to detect the periodicity in Beta Per and R Sct. Similarly, R CrB and AB Aur would have had larger ranges of Hp measures if sampled in other years.

Hence, although the Hipparcos data do provide some answers, there is still a lot of work for amateurs to do.

1 Suspected Binocular Variables in the Hipparcos data