Star Range Period (days) (M-m)/P Max Min
R And     6.9-14.3 409d 0.38 Feb/Mar Nov
W And 7.4-13.7 396d 0.42 Sep Apr
RW And    8.7-14.8 430d 0.36 --- Aug
R Aqr 6.5-10.3 387d 0.42 Sep/Oct Apr
R Aql 6.1-11.5 284d 0.42 Aug Apr
UV Aur* 7.4-10.6 394d 0.50 Feb/Mar Sep
V Cam 9.9-15.4 522d 0.31 Oct Apr/May
X Cam 8.1-12.6 144d 0.49 Jan, May/Jun, Oct Mar, Aug, Dec/Jan 2025
SU Cnc* 10.5-<15.4 187d 0.43 Apr/May & Oct/Nov Feb & Aug
U CVn 9.9-14.6 346d 0.37 Feb/Mar Sep/Oct/
RT CVn* 9.9-<15.0 254 0.45 Aug Apr & Dec/Jan 2025

Mira Predictions - 2024

Predicted Dates for Maximum and Minimum of Mira Stars on the BAAVSS programme.

Predictions are shown only to the nearest month when the star can be seen at Maximum or Minimum.  This is done simply to avoid bias!

Where two months are given, the prediction could be in the latter of one or the beginning of the other.

At present there are no BAA charts for SU Cnc, U CVn, RT CVn, RS Leo & X Lyn.  Please use the AAVSO VSP for these stars.

*=Extreme Range.  <=Fainter than.  ~= Approximately.  M-m = the fraction of the period taken in rising from Min.(m) to Max.(M).

These predictions can also be found in the BAA Handbook.










Star Range Period (days) (M-m)/P Max Min
S Cas         9.7-14.8      612d 0.43 Mar ---
T Cas 7.9-11.9 445d 0.56 Jly/Aug ---
o Cet 3.4-9.3 332d 0.38 Apr/May Jan & Nov
R Com 8.5-14.2 363d 0.38 Jly Feb/Mar
S CrB 7.3-12.9 360d 0.35 Jun/Jly Feb/Mar
V CrB 7.5-11.0 358d 0.41 Sep Apr
W CrB 8.5-13.5 238d 0.45 Apr & Dec Jan & Aug/Sep
R Cyg 7.5-13.9 426d 0.35 Mar/Apr Dec/Jan 2025
S Cyg 10.3-16.0 323d 0.50 Oct Apr/May
V Cyg 9.1-12.8 421d 0.46 Mar Oct
chi Cyg 5.2-13.4 408d 0.41 Jly Jan














Star            Range          Period (days) (M-m)/P Max                           Min                
T Dra 9.6-12.3 422d 0.44 Apr/May Dec/Jan 2025
RU Her 8.0-13.0 485d 0.43 Mar/Apr Dec/Jan 2025
SS Her 9.2-12.4 107d 0.48 Mar, Jun/Jly & Oct Jan, Apr/May, Aug & Dec
R Hya 4.5-9.5 389d 0.49 Nov May
SU Lac* 10.3-<15.0 302d 0.40 Oct Jun
RS Leo 9.7-<15.5 208d 0.31 Feb & Sep Jly
W Lyn 9.9-~15.0 295d 0.40 Oct Jun/Jly
X Lyn 10.2-~15.0 321d 0.40 Sep Apr/May
X Oph 6.8-8.8 329d 0.53 Jly Jan & Dec
U Ori 6.3-12.0 368d 0.38 May/Jun Jan & Dec/Jan 2025
R Ser 6.9-13.4 356d 0.41 Apr/May Nov
T UMa 7.7-12.9 257d 0.41 Jun/Jly Mar & Nov