V Coronae Austrini
Type: RCB
| O-LC
Coords: (2000) 18h47m32s -38°09'23"
Magnitude range: 9.70 to 13.20
Total observations: 66
Annual totals ++0 ++1 ++2 ++3 ++4 ++5 ++6 ++7 ++8 ++9 1990.. 9 16 14 12 2000.. 15
WX Coronae Austrini
Type: RCB
| C-LC
| O-LC
Coords: (2000) 18h08m51s -37°19'46"
Magnitude range: 11.10 to [14.30
Total observations: 120
Annual totals ++0 ++1 ++2 ++3 ++4 ++5 ++6 ++7 ++8 ++9 1990.. 21 41 23 18 2000.. 17