[BAA Comets] Comet Holmes 1895 Observations

Mick Crook mickcrook1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 20:35:24 GMT 2015

Hi All,

Some time ago, I came across a copy of "The Story of the Solar System by
G.F.Chambers (1895). As I'm sure most of you will know, this is the book
which Patrick Moore frequently mentioned as being the one which
kick-started his interest in astronomy after reading his mother's copy as a
child. I have only just got around to browsing through the book, but I was
fascinated by the section on comets and the detailed drawings of a
selection of major comets visible in the skies of the 1800s. In particular,
the drawings of "Holmes's Comet" by W.F.Denning caught my attention. There
are two drawings (see attached) dated 9th and 16th November 1892 and change
in appearance between the drawings is remarkably similar to the comet's
2007 outburst.
What does surprise me is that after seeing these amazing cometary drawings
within the book, Patrick wasn't a keener observer of comets than he was!

Clear skies,
Mick Crook

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