[BAA Comets] Comet Holmes 1895 Observations

Richard Miles rmiles at baa.u-net.com
Mon Dec 28 20:43:47 GMT 2015

Dear Mick,

Images are available here:

courtesy of David Strange.

Yes, thanks for remarking on this - one of my favourite comets and observers 
in the bargain!

Richard Miles

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mick Crook" <mickcrook1 at gmail.com>
To: <Comets-disc at britastro.org>
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 8:35 PM
Subject: [BAA Comets] Comet Holmes 1895 Observations

> Hi All,
> Some time ago, I came across a copy of "The Story of the Solar System by
> G.F.Chambers (1895). As I'm sure most of you will know, this is the book
> which Patrick Moore frequently mentioned as being the one which
> kick-started his interest in astronomy after reading his mother's copy as 
> a
> child. I have only just got around to browsing through the book, but I was
> fascinated by the section on comets and the detailed drawings of a
> selection of major comets visible in the skies of the 1800s. In 
> particular,
> the drawings of "Holmes's Comet" by W.F.Denning caught my attention. There
> are two drawings (see attached) dated 9th and 16th November 1892 and 
> change
> in appearance between the drawings is remarkably similar to the comet's
> 2007 outburst.
> What does surprise me is that after seeing these amazing cometary drawings
> within the book, Patrick wasn't a keener observer of comets than he was!
> Clear skies,
> Mick Crook
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