[BAA Comets] Fw: Fw: [CometObs] C/2013 X1 outburst ?

Shanklin, Jonathan D. jdsh at bas.ac.uk
Mon Jan 4 22:57:54 GMT 2016

I managed a brief observation this evening, as there was an unexpected clearance, however cloud encroached again fairly quickly.  I made it around a magnitude brighter than on the 31st, however I was using a different sequence and conditions were not good.  It did not look markedly different, being a similar DC3 and diameter 4' in the 25x100B.  I think it is premature to say that there is an outburst, as the observations are scattered and still adequately fitted by a normal light curve, albeit one where the comet is brightening rapidly.  Points to note:
It is still 2au from the sun, and receding from the earth.
Observing conditions and instrument can make a big difference to the apparent brightness
Different observers have different photometric sensitivities and there can be a magnitude or more difference in their estimates.

Jonathan Shanklin
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