[BAA Comets] 38P/Stephan-Oterma

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Tue Dec 18 22:22:07 GMT 2018


Yes, it is a nice object. A lot fainter than 46P but is shows a lot of 
structure. There are quite a few images in the archive going back to 
Mike Olason's one showing it at around mag 16 in early July. The comet 
is around mag 11 now and well-placed for observation.


It's worth reading Denis Buczynski's article on this comet which 
appeared in Comet's Tale No. 36:



On 18/12/2018 18:24, David Swan wrote:
> 38P is now more than a month past perihelion, but it seems to be looking very nice in recent images taken by several observers. I thought I mention it as Nick hasn't promoted his 16 Dec image to the front page of the comet section - but it is very good, with a reasonable dust tail and notable coma features. David S

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