Nick James
ndj at nickdjames.com
Sun Nov 11 13:13:30 GMT 2018
Denis Buczynski and I imaged this comet this morning from Tarbatness,
Scotland. It was surprisingly bright and easy to find. Andrew Robertson
and Peter Carson also had a good view through Andrew's 18-inch telescope
in Suffolk. They also commented that the comet was bright and easy.
Our image was taken with the comet in a misty part of the sky but a
faint tail is just visible:
The latest ephemeris is attached using all astrometry so far. I've done
this starting 60 days before now and the positional uncertainties are
now quite small. The comet has been at a small elongation for all of
this time and was discovered when it was at its largest elongation. This
is now decreasing. The comet has a small q (0.39 au) and is brightening
Please try to observe this comet at any opportunity.
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