Update History


31/05/24 - Upload VSSC 200.
28/03/24 - Change front page light curve.
29/02/24 - Upload VSSC 199.
30/10/23 - Upload VSOTY 2024.
20/10/23 - Upload updated CV&E programme in PDF format.
19/09/23 - Update front page plot.
25/07/23 - Update front page light curve.
10/07/23 - Update plot on front page.
31/05/23 - Upload VSSC 196.
10/05/23 - New pic for John Toone in meet the team, and updated charts for T CrB.
06/04/23 - Change plot on frot page.
28/02/23 - Upload VSSC 195 and update front page light curve.
04/01/23 - Update light curve on front page.
02/01/23 - Update Mira predictions for 2023.
19/12/22 - Change plot on front page.
30/11/22 - Upload VSSC 194.
06/11/22 - Upload VSOTY 2023 T Cep
31/10/22 - Update various charts
29/08/22 - Upload VSSC 193 and change light curve on front page.
03/08/22 - Change front page light curve.
21/07/22 - Change front page plot.
31/05/22 - Upload VSSC 192.
10/05/22 - Change front page light curve.
07/03/22 - Change front page light curve.
06/03/22 - Update URL link to VSSDB.
27/02/22 - Upload VSSC 191.
07/02/22 - Change plot on front page.
27/01/22 - Update 'Meet the team' page.
01/01/22 - Upload new plot for front page and Mira Max/Min for 2022.
07/11/21 - Upload VSOTY 2022 (AG Peg)
15/10/21 - Change plot on front page.
15/09/21 - Change plot on front page.
31/08/21 - Upload VSSC 189.
20/08/21 - Change front page light curve to RS Oph.
19/08/20 - Upload updated EB Catalogue.
04/08/21 - Change plot on front page.
12/07/21 - Change front page LC.
31/05/21 - Upload VSSC 188 to circular page.
27/05/21 - Change front page light curve.
14/05/21 - Add plot for V1405 Cas to front page.
13/05/21 - Change link to OC diagrams from Eclipse predictions page.
07/04/21 - Change front page light curve.
30/03/21 - Add note on software issues to EB predictions page.
28/02/21 - Upload VSSC 187.
27/02/21 - Upload March 2021 EB predictions.
18/02/21 - Add link to AN 730 calling for Spec and Phot obs of SS Cyg.
14/02/21 - Change front page light curve.
30/01/21 - Upload Feb. EB predictions.
15/01/21 - Update front page light curve.
10/01/21 - Update Meet the Team photo for JT.
27/12/20 - Update CV eclipse ephemerides and EB predictions.
23/12/20 - Update front page light curve.
30/11/20 - Edit 'Alert Group' page to incorporate new home for BAAVSS-alert.
29/11/20 - Upload December EB predictions and VSSC 186.
27/11/20 - Add link to BAA forum re: Nova Per 2020
11/11/20 - Change front page light curve.
29/10/20 - Upload November 2020 EB predictions.
21/10/20 - Change plot on front page.
13/10/20 - Upload VSOTY 2021 to web page.
28/09/20 - Upload October EB predictions.
15/09/20 - Update front page light curve.
14/09/20 - Add SS Cyg photometry request to front page.
29/08/20 - Upload September 2020 EB predictions.
28/08/20 - Upload VSSC 185 and remove old links from front page.
20/08/20 - Change plot on front page.
27/07/20 - Upload August EB predictions.
03/07/20 - Change front page light curve/image.
28/06/20 - Upload July 2020 EB predictions.
04/06/20 - Change front page image and update PQ And page.
30/05/20 - Add PQ And page & upload VSSC 184.
29/05/20 - Add plot of 1988 outburst of PQ And to front page.
28/05/20 - Upload June 2020 EB predictions.
30/04/20 - Upload May 2020 EB predictions.
19/04/20 - Change light curve on front page.
29/03/20 - Change light curve on front page, and upload April 2020 EB predictions.
16/03/20 - Put VSS meeting cancellation message on front page.
29/02/20 - Upload VSSC 183 and March EB predictions.
10/02/20 - Upload U Leo chart.
05/02/20 - Announce section meeting on front page and change light curve.
03/02/20 - Upload chart for Betelgeuse
01/02/20 - Upload Feb EB predictions.
01/01/20 - Upload Jan EB predictions, Mira predictions and CV eclipse predictions for 2020, and change plot on front page.
30/11/19 - Upload December 2019 EB predictions.
29/11/19 - Upload VSSC 182.
28/10/19 - Upload November 2019 EB predictions.
19/10/19 - Change plot on front page.
12/10/19 - Upload VSOTY 2020.
28/09/19 - Upload October 2019 EB predictions.
22/09/19 - Change plots on front page.
30/08/19 - Upload VSSC 181 and September 2019 EB predictions.
27/08/19 - Update VSS Directors page.
15/08/19 - Update LC on front page and update mentor page.
29/07/19 - Upload August 2019 EB predictions.
27/07/19 - Upload updated CCD target list.
06/07/19 - Change front page light curve.
29/06/19 - Upload July 2019 EB predictions.
02/06/19 - Upload charts for HR Lyr.
31/05/19 - Upload VSSC 180.
26/05/19 - Change light curve on front page.
17/05/19 - Upload June EB predictions.
29/04/19 - Upload May EB predictions/
23/04/19 - Add superhump plot from RP for AL Com to front page.
15/04/19 - Upload Martin Mobberleys'image of AL Com in outburst to front page.
29/03/19 - Upload April EB predictions and change light curve on front page.
27/02/19 - Upload March 2019 EB predictions and VSSC 179.  Also update plot on front page.
24/02/19 - Upload link to Lichtenknecker DB to front page.
16/02/19 - Upload charts for Z & RR Eri, V UMa, T Ari, RT Sex, RT, FK & RV Hya.
11/02/19 - Upload charts for TW Aur and T Boo
09/02/19 - Upload new charts for R Aqr, V428 Aur, RV Cam, T Cnc, RT Cap, R Cas, S Cep, V Hya, X & ST Her, UW Her,
T Cet, SV Crv, KV & VW Vir, S Crt & TY Vir, AZ Dra, S Lep, R, Y UMa, R & V UMi
04/02/19 - Update light curve on front page.
29/01/19 - Upload Feb 2019 EB predictions.
20/01/19 - UPdate front page light curve.
06/01/19 - Upload new photometry notes for database.
31/12/18 - Upload Mira predeictions and CV eclipse predictions fpor 2019.
29/12/18 - Upload Jan '19 EB predictions.
06/12/18 - Change light curve on front page.
01/12/18 - Upload December EB predictions.
29/11/18 - Upload VSSC 178.
19/11/18 - Change light curve on front page.
04/11/18 - Upload VSOTY 2019.
03/11/18 - Upload revised photometry SS 2.06.
30/10/18 - Upload November EB predictions.
02/10/18 - Upload updated version of visual obs spreadsheet and change light curve on front page.
28/09/18 - Upload October EB predictions.
22/09/18 - Upload updated photometry spreadsheet.
18/09/18 - Remove Hoys-Caps link from front page.
16/09/18 - Add link to Paul Roche request for data on X Per to front page.
31/08/18 - Upload September EB predictions and VSSC 177.
17/08/18 - Change front page picture.
11/08/16 - Add link to Warwick meeting video's on BAA page.
09/08/16 - Add link for September BAA observers workshop to front page.
04/08/18 - Upload paper on observations of V648 Car to articles page.
29/07/18 - Upload EB predictions for August 18.
28/07/18 - Delete several unused sections in contents bar, and change link to 'Supernovae' under observational programmes.Update mentor list and map.
20/07/18 - Add link to HOYS-CAPS observing run Aug 1-Sep 15 2018 to front page.
16/07/18 - Change image on front page.
29/06/18 - Upload July '18 EB predictions, and update abstract and poster details for Warwick meeting.
25/06/18 - Upload details of Posters and abstracts for BAA/AAVSOI meeting to front page
22/06/18 - Remove ad. for Warwick meeting.
18/06/18 - Change front page main image.
31/05/18 - Upload VSSC 176.
28/05/18 - Upload June 2018 EB predictions.
21/05/18 - Change front page light curve.
03/05/18 - Upload May 2018 EB predictions.
10/04/18 - Change front page light curve.
04/04/18 - Upload article by Tex Moon on Low cost BVRI filters to articles section.
29/03/18 - Upload April '18 EB predictions.
28/02/18 - Upload March EB predictions and VSSC 175 and change front page images.
12/02/18 - Change light curve on front page.
28/01/18 - Upload Feb '18 EB predictions.
22/01/18 - Re-order the VSS Archive page.
10/01/17 - Update link to July BAA/AAVSO meeting.
09/01/18 - Change image on front page.
30/12/17 - Upload new CCD/DSLR spreadsheet, CV eclipse predictions for 2018 and Jan 18 EB predictions.
23/12/17 - Add new programmes CV&E and Pulsating Stars to menus and link to each programme. Add link to new chart catalogue to front page.
21/12/17 - Change image on front page.
06/12/17 - Change image on front page.
01/12/17 - Upload VSSC 174.
15/11/17 - Upload December EB predictions.
12/11/17 - Upload chart for GSC 1992 447 Com to web page.
09/10/17 - Add charts for R Leo, R Lep & T Tau.
01/10/17 - Upload October EB predictions.
03/09/17 - Change image on front page to 3122 Florence and HR Del (Mobberley).
31/08/17 - Upload September EB predictions.
31/08/17 - Remove link to 2017 Winchester meeting presentations from front page as duplicated in 'past meetings' section.
31/08/17 - Upload VSSC 173 to web page. Move article on 'gaps in observations' from front page to articles page.
26/08/17 - Create a new page for 'EB predictions and where to find them' on the EB predictions page.
24/08/17 - Upload charts for FY Lib and VV Cep.
06/08/17 - Upload VSOTY 2018 (VV Cep) to web page.
02/08/17 - Upload article by Tracie Heywood on neglected VS to articles section.
01/08/17 - Insert new item on left contents bar linking to VSSC archive, and upload VSSC 170 & 171 in full.
30/07/17 - Update August 2017 EB predictions.
19/07/17 - Add link to BAA/AAVSO 2018 meeting to front page, and update chart page.
18/07/17 - Upload cover of VSSC 172 and complete copy of VSSC 169 to publications page.
15/07/17 - Remove link to eclipsing DNe programme from sidebar.
29/06/17 - Upload July EB predictions.
26/06/17 - Change image on front page.
28/05/17 - Upload June 2017 EB predictions.
17/05/17 - Upload cover of VSSC 171 to publications page.
15/05/17 - Change front page image.
04/05/17 - Change image on front page.
29/04/17 - Add 'standard comments' to beginners page and upload May 2017 EB predictions.
27/04/17 - Upload VSSC 168 PDF to publications page.
23/04/17 - Update Guide to CCD and DSLR notes.
20/04/17 - Add Stan Watermans presentation to the Winch 2017 page.
14/04/17 - Add photo of speakers to Winchester 2017 meeting page.
11/04/17 - Upload David Boyds Winchester talk.
10/04/17 - Upload Winchester meeting presentations,
03/04/17 - Add details of AG Dra observing campaign to front page.
29/03/17 - Change front page image to R CrB spectrum taken by D. Boyd, and upload April 2017 EB predictions.
27/02/16 - Upload historic VSSC's 53 to 87 & March 2017 EB predictions.
17/02/17 - Add link to Robin Leadbeater's spectroscopy web page in 'articles' section.
14/02/17 - Add link for April 2017 section meetinhg meeting to front page.
12/02/17 - Upload 'old' VSSC's numbers 21-51 to publications page. Also change LC on front page.
30/01/17 - Upload February EB predictions.
26/01/17 - Upload new charts for T Cep, R Tri, R UMa, S UMa
09/01/17 - Update LC on front page.
07/01/17 - Update a few links (add BAV) and add VSOTY for 2017
29/12/16 - Upload Jan 2107 EB predictions.
28/12/16 - Upload Mira predictions and CV eclipse predictions for 2017.
23/12/16 - Upload D. Boyd's DW UMa talk to section meeting 2016 page.
21/12/16 - Upload details of YZ Cnc Chandra observing campaign.
16/12/16 - Upload cover of VSSC 170 and PDF of VSSC 167 to web page.
14/12/16 - Upload new charts for CH Cyg, PR, AD, SU, KK Per, RS & TZ And, RY, ZZ, UV Cam, SU Lyn, tau4 Ser, UX Dra, VX & SU And & Z UMi.
28/11/16 - Various ammendments from search done by Tracie Heywood.
25/11/16 - Upload December 2016 EB predictions.
15/11/16 - Add link to BAA spectroscopic database.
04/11/16 - Update link to AAVSO DSLR manual.
03/11/16 - Update front page.
29/10/16 - Upload November 2016 EB predictions.
12/10/16 - Add cover of VSSC 169 and upload VSSC 166 in full. Also add RX And Oct 2016 ToO to front page and include an image taken by Martin Mobberley on front page.
28/09/16 - Upload October EB predictions.
27/09/16 - Change meet the team photo's for Toone and Poyner.
23/09/16 - Change image on front page.
13/09/16 - Chage light curve on front page.
01/09/16 - Upload September EB predictions.
04/08/16 - Change light curve on front page
04/07/16 - Upload VSSC 165 and contennts of VSSC 168 to publications page.
03/07/16 - Amend Links page.
26/06/16 - Upload Jly and Aug EB predictions.
18/06/16 - Add link to Paul Abels JBAA VS article to front page, absolute beginners page and articles page.
04/06/16 - Change image on front page and create new page for AAVSO SN 417 on CH Cyg.
29/05/16 - Upload June 2016 EB predictions.
16/05/16 - Add new page on Butterworth Award, and link to contents page.
15/05/16 - Change light curve on front page.
27/04/16 - UPload May 2016 EB predictions.
09/04/16 - Upload AAVSO SN 415 re: T CrB monitoring 05/04/16 - Upload AX Per spectrum to front page, linking to text and light curve (Boyd)
04/04/16 - Upload more presentations from VSS meeitng.
30/03/16 - Upload April 2016 EB predictions.
29/03/16 - Upload Chris Jones PP presentation.
23/03/16 - Start to upload PDF's of VSS March 2016 meeting presentations.
20/03/16 - Remove notice re: VSS meeting from front page.
15/03/16 - Migrate ROP, Polar and OJ287 pages from Poyners Web site to BAAVSS.
01/03/16 - Upload details of AAVSO AN 505 - monitoring of northern dwarf novae.
29/02/16 - Upload cover for VSSC 167 and upload entire VSSC 164
28/02/16 - Upload March 2016 EB predictions.
20/02/16 - Upload better quality charts for gamma and rho Cas.
18/02/16 - Edit VSS meeting programme.
16/02/16 - Finalise programme for 23016 section meeting.
15/02/16 - Add image of NSV 2026 superhumps by I. Miller to front page.
31/01/16 - Add details of Astro Plate meeting and BAV meeting to front page.
30/01/16 - Add February 2016 EB predictions and update programme for VSS March 2016 meeting.
20/01/16 - Add details of AAVSO R Aqr observing campaign to front page.
07/01/16 - Upload V404 Cyg link to front page.
05/01/16 - Upload link to NLO spectroscopy write up to fron and articles page.
01/01/16 - Upload CV eclipse and Mira predictions for 2016
28/12/15 - Add January 2016 EB predictions.
06/12/15 - Add VSSC 163 and cover of VSSC 166 to section publications page.
01/12/15 - Add link to google maps on VSS 2016 meeting page.
29/11/15 - Add December 2015 EB predictions.
24/11/15 - Upload chart for FR Sct.
23/11/15 - Update 2016 VSS meeting details.
14/11/15 - Add news of 2016 section meeting to front page and upload 2015 updated EB handbook.
12/12/15 - Change image on front page.
29/10/15 - Add photo to 'Meet the VSS' page.
26/10/15 - Add November 2015 EB predictions.
20/10/15 - Add link to review of Spectroscopy meeting to 'past meetings' page.
09/10/15 - Change image on front page.
07/10/15 - Update VSOTY.
04/10/15 - Set up new section for Spectroscopy in articles section, and upload articles from Andrew Wilson and David Boyd.
29/09/15 - Upload October EB predictions.
21/09/15 - Update section publication page with cover of VSSC 165 and full version of VSSC 162.
20/09/15 - Update HS 0705+6700. All times of minima - in articles section.
09/09/15 - Update front page.
31/08/15 - Upload September EB predictions.
29/08/15 - Update image on front page.
27/08/15 - Add details of AN 527 WHT CV camapign to front page.
09/08/15 - Add details of NSV 2026 campaign to front page, and remove old links from front page.
28/07/15 - Add details of October Spectroscopy meeting to front page.
26/07/15 - Update Meet the Team page and light curve on front page.
20/07/15 - Add article by Dr. Froebrich to articles page, and update 'Reporting Visual Observations' document.
17/07/15 - Add AAVSO AN 524 regarding camapign to observe 17 CV's to front page.
13/07/15 - Upload VSSC 161 in full to publications page.
08/07/15 - Update front page light curve to AG Peg.
06/07/15 - Add link to Ian Millers web pages on links page.
01/07/15 - Update V404 Cyg page.
30/06/15 - Update V404 Cyg page.
26/06/15 - Update front page light curve and upload July and August EB predictions.
25/06/15 - Update V404 Cyg page.
24/06/15 - Add front page link to AN 521 re: AG Peg outburst.
20/06/15 - Add page for V404 Cyg and link to front page image.
17/06/15 - Change front page picture to V404 Cyg in outburst by M. Mobberley.
06/06/15 - Change plots on front page.
28/05/15 - Update e-mail address in 'Notes for Authors', and upload June 2015 EB predictions.
26/05/15 - Remove database down time message.
23/05/15 - Database log-on problems announced on front page.
12/05/15 - Update VSSC circular paying method.
08/05/15 - Amend data submission page.
07/05/15 - Upload light curve for SS Aur to front page.
30/04/15 - Upload cover of VSSC 163 and VSSC 160 to web page.
28/04/15 - Upload May 2015 EB predictions.
01/04/15 - Change front page picture to R CrB recovery in 2015.
29/03/15 - Upload April EB predictions.
15/03/15 - Add image by MM PSN J07361576-6930230 to front page.
14/03/15 - Add AAVSO SN 400 as front page link.
02/03/15 - Ammend previous announcement.
28/02/15 - Add first announcement of 2015 spectroscopy workshop.
25/02/15 - Upload March 2015 EB predictions.
23/02/15 - Upload outburst images of U Gem & QZ Vir by DGB to front page.
20/02/15 - Change links for Shears historical papers.
31/01/15 - Upload February EB predictions.
22/01/15 - Add light curve for S50716+71 to front page.
17/01/15 - Update CCD photometry notes and add note re: cancellation of alpha Com campaign.
13/01/15 - Amend prices on section publications page.
11/01/15 - Upload details of observing campaign for b Per to front page.
03/01/15 - Upload 2014 light curves for CSS 121005 campaign.
01/01/15 - Update Mira Max/Min predictions and CV eclipse predictions.
26/12/14 - Update earliset VS observation in DB on header and upload Jan 2015 EB predictions.
24/12/14 - Add plot of R CrB recovery to front page.
18/12/14 - Upload VSOTY for 2015.
17/12/14 - Upload cover of VSSC 162 Dec 2014 and upload VSSC 159 in full pdf format.
08/12/14 - Add AAVSO observing campaign for alpha Com to front page.
07/12/14 - Upload December EB predictions.
03/12/14 - Announce that BAAVSS archive is now available through AAVSO IDB, and add U Gem eclipse plot from Denis Buczynski to front page.
24/11/14 - Tidy up a few outdated links on front page.
23/11/14 - Add outburst images of UV Per and PNV J06483343+0656236 (Buczynski) to front page.
09/11/14 - Add image by Denis Buczynski and link to nerw new page for ASASSN-14jv to front page.
02/11/14 - Add image of PSN J12215757+0428185 in M61 taken by Martin Mobberley to front page.
01/11/14 - Add image of PNV J03093063+2638031 by Nick James to front page.
25/10/14 - Add AAVSO AN 505 to front page (campaign to monitor northern DNe).
24/10/14 - Upload November EB predictions.
10/10/14 - Upload image of T.D Anderson Blue Plaque unveiling to front page.
05/10/14 - Upload cover of VSSC 161 to publications page and upload PDF of VSSC 158 to same page.
01/10/14 - Add link to 'Gaps in historical light curves' article by T. Markham to front page.
28/09/14 - Update HS0705 spreadsheet in articles section.
27/09/14 - Upload October EB predictions.
25/09/14 - Add Nova Cyg 2014 new designation to front page, and update R CrB recovery plot on front page.
15/09/14 - Update R CrB light curve on front page.
09/09/14 - Add HS0705 spreadsheet to articles section.
03/09/14 - Update R CrB light curve on front page.
23/08/14 - Add link to DB to the contents frame and add link to AAVSO DSLR observing guide to front page.
22/08/14 - Upload September 2014 EB predictions and update front page light curve.
25/07/14 - Upload August 2014 EB predictions, and replace front page light curve.
20/07/14 - Link to new page for light curves to CSS 121005 campaign.
13/07/14 - Upload new instructions on how to report visual observations.
04/07/14 - Add page to 'past meetings' section on York 2014 section meeting.
03/07/14 - Add light curve of RZ Vul to front page.
02/07/14 - Upload new 'reporting visual observations to the DB v140701.
27/06/14 - Upload revised Visual spreadsheet (.xls format).
26/06/14 - Upload July 2014 EB predictions.
22/06/14 - Add light curve for ASASSN-14cl by Nick James to front page.
14/06/14 - Upload details of observing campaign for CSS 121005:212625+201948.
13/06/14 - Upload VSSC 157 and contents of VSSC 160 to section publication page.
08/06/14 - Upload plot for SN 2014J to front page.
27/05/14 - Upload June 2014 EB predictions.
23/05/14 - Add image of SN 2014bc by Nick James to front page.
22/05/14 - Add news of Supernova in M106 to front page.
07/05/14 - Upload to past meetings page two pdf's of talks given to the 2014 Winchester weekend. Also upload new chart catalogue 14.1.
02/05/14 - Add news on nova designations to front page.
27/04/14 - Add R CrB minimum comparison light curves to front page.
25/04/14 - Upload May 2014 EB predictions.
22/04/14 - Announce details of York section meeting on front page.
21/04/14 - Add link to details of SN in NGC 5410, discovered by D. Grennan to front page.
18/04/14 - Add outburst image (Buczynski) and light curve (Poyner) for HW Boo to front page, and update telescopic chart sequence details and add eta gem to EB list.
17/04/14 - Update Binocular Priority list and sequence detail in binocular programme.
05/04/14 - Add image of Nova Cyg 2014 by Nick James to front page.
03/04/14 - Upload excel VSSC index (1-158) to publications page.
02/04/14 - Upload VSSC 155.pdf and cover for VSSC 159.
01/04/14 - Add page for Possible Nova in Cyg.
31/03/14 - Upload revised reporting documents.
27/03/14 - Upload April EB predictions.
23/03/14 - Update 'reporting to DB notes'.
22/03/14 - Make minor change to 'notes on submitting data' page.
11/03/14 - Upload image of Nova Cep 2014 by Buczynski to front page.
03/03/14 - Add DV UMa plot eclipse observations by R. Pickard to front page.
27/02/14 - Upload revised 'reporting visual observations using the new spreadsheet...'
26/02/14 - Upload March 2014 EB predictions.
25/02/14 - Update sequence file.
24/02/14 - Add link to 'submission of observations' page from front page, and upload updated Excel spreadsheet 240214.
08/02/14 - Add outburst image of V745 Sco by Martin Mobberley to front page, linked to information page.
01/02/14 - Upload three new articles to articles section - Seven new variables in Cygnust, The 1367 cluster of variables in Cygnus by Stan Waterman & Richard Stratford & One quarter million and counting by G. Poyner.
30/01/14 - Upload February EB predictions.
23/01/14 - Upload to front page pre-discovery image of SN2014J by G. Mackie & spectrum and image by D. Boyd.
19/01/14 - Upload latest sequence file 180114 and new Guide to CCD and DSLR page layouts.
01/01/14 - Upload Mira predictions for 2014.
25/12/13 - Add plot for X Cam to front page.
18/12/13 - Add link to front page for AAVSO observing campaign for BP Tau.
15/12/13 - Add important note to preliminary chart page.
12/12/13 - Upload preliminary charts for selected objects to Charts page.
03/12/13 - Upload PDF for VSOTY 2014 (X Oph).
01/12/13 - Upload December 13 and Jan 14 EB predictions.
28/11/13 - Upload cover for VSSC 158 and link to PDF for VSSC 153 & 154.
28/11/13 - Upload new charts for BL Ori, BZ And, GO Peg, HR Del, R Hya, RV Cyg, RX Lep, RY Leo, SX Lac, TT Cyg, U Hya, U LMi, UV Cas, V391 Cas, V393 Cas, V460 Cyg, V Vul, VW UMa, VY UMa, W Cyg, Z And
25/11/13 - Upload 'An introduction to observing Variable Stars' by Roger Pickard to beginners and articles page.
23/11/13 - Add more plots from DB to on-line DB light curves page.
17/11/13 - Upload revisions to front page on information on reporting and submitting visual observations.
07/11/13 - Remove link to T Ori campaign.
30/10/13 - Add spectrum of PNV J19023335+0315 taken by D. Boyd to front page.
21/10/13 - Upload November EB predictions and remove dead link to chart catalogue.
19/10/13 - Add Binocular Priority page, and link to side bar contents.
12/10/13 - Update links in data submission box.
06/10/13 - Add link to chart for NSV 25186
05/10/13 - Add 1 degree charts to V339 Del (Nova 2013) page.
30/09/13 - Add eclipse light curve of V1239 Her by Roger Pickard to front page.
26/09/13 - Add spectrum of SS Cyg in outburst taken by D. Boyd.
17/09/13 - Upload October EB predictions, and details of project to monitor SS Cyg for precursor outbursts.
16/09/13 - Upload photo of Albert Jones to front page.
13/09/13 - Add spectrum of V339 Del taken by Mike Harlow.
06/09/13 - Add V339 Del spectrum by D. Boyd to front page.
31/08/13 - Add details to front page of AAVSO campaign to observe T Ori in Sep 13.
27/08/13 - Upload September EB predictions and edit mentor map.
24/08/13 - Make some changes to the mentoring page.
23/08/13 - Add spectrum of N Del 2013 by M. Harlow to front page and Nova Del page.
17/08/13 - Add low resolution spectrum of Nova Del by D. Boyd to Nova Del page.
15/08/13 - Add image and link to front page of Nova Del 2013 taken by D.Buczynski.
08/08/13 - Add link to RR Tau project to front page.
01/08/13 - Upload image by MM of SN 2013ej to fron page.
31/07/13 - Upload new chart catalogue v13.1.
28/07/13 - Upload August EB predictions & outburst image of UZ Boo by Ian Miller.
23/07/13 - Add link to BAA computing section HJD calculator.
17/07/13 - Add Nicj James image and plot of new UGSU star ASASSN-13bp to front page.
10/07/13 - Add light curve and outburst image of V660 Her by Nick James to front page.
07/07/13 - Delete Eps Aur from programme list.
29/06/13 - Add VSSC 152 to section publications list, and add cover of VSSC 155.
21/06/13 - Add details of AAVSO observing campaign on AG Dra to front page.
10/06/13 - Add superhump plot for PNVJ19150199+0719471 by Roger Pickard.
01/06/13 - Add image of PNV J19150199+0719471 taken by Martin Mobberley to front page.
19/05/13 - Add details of AAVSO AH Her observing campaign.
17/05/13 - Add Mobberley image of PSN J11095567+3657025 to front page.
11/05/13 - Upload new CCD spreadsheet(B2.03) and link to front page.
30/04/13 - Add discovery image by Ron Arbour of PSN J11343649+5453244 to front page.
29/04/13 - Add May 2013 EB predictions.
28/04/13 - Add image by M. Mobberley & light curve by D. Boyd of GRB130427A.
26/04/13 - Add PDF article on DSLR photometry by M. Durkin to articles page.
23/04/13 - Add Mobberley image of PSN in NGC 7331 to front page.
15/04/13 - Add a few more binocular charts and link to appropriate catalogues.
12/04/13 - Add more binocular chart links.
09/04/13 - Upload revised pdf for 'notes for authors' on publications page.
08/04/13 - Update links to mu Cep & T UMa in chart catalogues.
02/04/13 - Add link to DSLR paper from Articles section.
30/03/13 - Add April EB predictions.
29/03/13 - Add paper on Dr. Whichello by J. Shears to Historical papers section.
26/03/13 - Update chart for V2301 Oph.
23/03/13 - Add image by M. Mobberley of SN 2013am to front page.
16/03/13 - Add plot for GK Per to front page.
27/02/13 - Add March EB predictions.
21/02/13 - Add light curve of U Gem orbital cycle by Alan Smith.
20/02/13 - Add image of SN2013aa taken by M. Mobberley
14/02/13 - Update GR Ori page.
12/02/13 - Add image of GR Ori in outburst and link to AAVSO SN 334.
10/02/12 - Add note about DVD set 'Developments in Amateur Astronomy' to front page.
07/02/13 - Delete 'latest news'.
03/02/13 - Upload image of Nova Cep 2013 by Nick James, along with AAVSO SN 331.
30/01/13 - Upload February EB predictions.
29/01/13 - Update ROP.
23/01/13 - Add plot for R Ser 2007-10 to front page.
18/01/13 - Add cover for VSSC 154 and link to VSSC 151 in publications page.
17/01/12 - Add chart for SDSSJ165359.06_201010.4 in Her.
11/01/13 - Add new page for sequence file updates.
10/01/13 - Add link to new sequence zip file.
07/01/13 - Change image on front page.
28/12/12 - Add January 2013 EB predictions.
22/12/12 - Add details of U Gem/HST campaign.
20/12/12 - Update image on front page to T UMa.
14/12/12 - Upload new version of visual Excel spreadsheet (13/12/12)
12/12/12 - Add image of UV Per in outburst to front page.
09/12/12 - Add links to BAA computing section JD calculator and eclipse calculator applets.
02/12/12 - Upload latest chart catalogue v13.0.
01/12/12 - Update charts for AF Cyg, AR Cep, EU Del, mu Cep, R Lyr, RU Cep, RU Her, RV Boo, RV Tau, RW Boo, RX Boo, SS Vir, ST Her, SU Lac,  SW Vir, SX Her, T UMa, TU CVn, U Del, UW Her, V465 Cas, V793 Cyg, V Boo, VY Aqr, W CrB, W Tri, X Her, XY Lyr & Y CVn.
28/11/12 - Add December EB predictions.
27/11/12 - Update selected DB lightcurves.
25/11/12 - Replace plot on front page (BF Cyg).
21/11/12 - Replace plot on front page.
11/11/12 - Add plot of SDSS J001153.08-064739.1 from D. Boyd to front page.
08/11/12 - Add aavso SN 306 to T Tauri star campaign notice.
07/11/12 - Add link to AAVSO AN 473 re: T Tauri stars campaign to front page.
03/11/12 - Replace plot on front page.
30/10/12 - Add November EB predictions.
29/10/12 - Add plot of Mira from new LCG to front page.
24/10/12 - Add more Database light curves.
23/10/12 - Add multi-band filtered images of N Aql 2012 by Denis Buczynski in animation form.
22/10/12 - Add images of PNVJ18523496-0018423 by Mobberley & Buczynski to front page linking to separate page.
21/10/12 - Add a selection of Database light curves to the 'Light Curves' link.
16/10/12 - Add RDP's TA/VSS talk to past meeting page.
15/10/12 - Update Andy Wilson's address in 'meet the team' and update 'absolute beginners' page. Also update 'Past VSS meetings' page.
04/10/12 - Add October EB predictions.
24/09/12 - Add VSOTY for 2013 RR Tau & chart link.
23/09/12 - Add chart for RR Tau to charts section.
20/09/12 - Add to the historical papers section.
19/09/12 - Add image by N. James and LC by G. Poyner of S50716+71.
16/09/12 - Add details of eta Gem eclipse ingress, HST/COS campaign and continuation of AAVSO CH Cyg campaign.
06/09/12 - Remove front page links to Swift/Maxi & IC2166 SN details.
04/09/12 - Remove photo of G Alcock from front page.
31/08/12 - Add September EB predictions.
28/08/12 - Add photo of George Alcock to front page to commemorate centenary of his birth.
23/08/12 - Add link to discovery details of SN in IC 2166.
22/08/12 - Add light curve for V Boo to front page.
21/08/12 - Add link to Thomas Karlsson's O-C diagrams from links page, and remove link to cancelled European VS meet.
14/08/12 - Add link to VSSC 153 cover and VSSC 150 pdf.
06/08/12 - Add link to pro-am conference on stellar astrophysics.
03/08/12 - Add August EB predictions.
27/04/12 - Add udated visual spreadsheet to link on front page
25/07/12 - Add light curve of BL Lac to front page and link to aavso SN 290 regarding outburst
19/07/12 - Add new seqfiles.zip to link on front page.
15/07/12 - Add link re: 2nd European VS observers meeting in Finland to front page.
08/07/12 - Add image from M. Mobberley and aavso special notice for Nova Sgr 2012 #4.
30/06/12 - Add July 2012 EB predictions.
26/06/12 - Add link to Swift/Maxi X-ray Transient news to front page.
25/06/12 - Add gifs for Weather Stats. by D. Boyd from VSSC 151 to front page.
23/06/12 - Remove CV article by P. Hall.
31/05/12 - Add June 2012 EB predictions.
24/05/12 - Add plots for AM Her (Visual & CCD) to front page.
21/05/12 - Add cover to VSSC 152 and link to VSSC 149 on publications page.
15/05/12 - Revise AAVSO AN 458 to AAVSO SN 281.
13/05/12 - Add link to historical page re: JT article in AAVSO ej 184 and link to AAVSO AN 458 (AE Aqr) on front page.
08/05/12 - Add new 'Historical Papers' page to left hand contents bar, and add link to AAVSO SN 279 re: SS Cyg.
07/05/12 - Add link to paper by Shears on T. H. Astbury.
30/04/12 - Add May 2012 EB predictions.
11/04/12 - Remove AAVSO notices for CH Cyg and AB Aur from front page, and add image of SN 2012aw by M. Mobberely to relevant page.
05/04/12 - Correct e-mail address error in new spreadsheet, and add image of SN 2012aw by D. Storey to relevant page.
29/03/12 - Add past directors link to paper on J.E Gore by Shears.
27/03/12 - Add April 2012 EB predictions.
24/03/12 - Link to VSSC 148 and upload cover to VSSC 151 to publications page.
23/03/12 - Add details of AAVSO SN 268 to front page.
22/03/12 - Add image of SN 2012aw by M. Mobberley.
20/03/12 - Add images of SN 2012aw and t/s of V884 Her by I. Miller.
16/03/12 - Add AAVSO Special Notice 267 to front page re: CH Cyg observations.
15/03/12 - Add link to new visual spreadsheet and instructions on how to use to front page.
14/03/12 - Upload new chart for V884 Her.
08/03/12 - Add t/s plot of ER UMa by Nick James and CR Boo by D. Buczynski to front page.
04/03/12 - Add BY Cam t/s plot by R. Pickard & Z UMi 2011-2012 plot by G. Poyner to front page.
29/02/12 - Add March 2012 EB predictions.
24/02/12 - Add links to beta Per and beta Lyr from absolute beginners page.
09/02/12 - Add link to AAVSO AN 452 - request for monitoring of SU Aur & AB Aur.
02/02/12 - Add light curve of PU UMa eclipse.
01/02/12 - Add image of OT001952+323901 by Buczynski to front page 31/01/12 - Add February EB predictions.
30/01/12 - Add ts plot by Pickard of new CV in Gem 1RXS J063214.8+253620.
18/01/12 - Add eta Gem in VSOTY page.
08/01/12 - Add Algol plot to front page, linking to larger image and text from D. Loughney.
01/01/12 - Upload new chart catalogue v12, and add link to online DB.
29/12/11 - Upload EB Handbook and link to front page and section publications page, and link to Loughney's DSLR paper to EB page.
27/12/11 - Add link to latest IBVS names list in latest news section.
27/12/11 - Add new charts for UV Aur, X Cnc, RZ Cas, W Cep, RW Cep, omi Cet, RR CrB, RS CrB, chi Cyg, AH Dra, TX Dra, beta Lyr, U Mon, beta Per.
23/12/11 - Add January EB predictions and add RZ Cas BAAH 2012 corrections.
18/12/11 - Add VSSC 147 PDF to section publications page, and add contents for Dec 2011 VSSC to same page.
05/12/11 - Add PDF of Tom Marsh's VS talk to eccles web page.
28/11/11 - Ammend Janet Simpson's address.
26/11/11 - Add image of PR Her in outburst by Buczynski & James, and add December EB predictions.
21/11/11 - Add article on Observing variables with binoculars by M. Taylor to articles section.
20/11/11 - Remove photo's of awards made at AAVSO centenary meeting from front page.
19/11/11 - Add PDF of J. Toone's VSS meeting presentation, and amend 'meet the team' details, removing Richard Miles.
17/11/11 - Add light curve for V884 Her to front page, and Powerpoint link to D. Boyd's VSS meeting talk.
11/11/11 - Add new extracts from past VSSC's to Articles page.
08/11/11 - Add obituary for Andrews in Past Directors section.
31/10/11 - Add sh t/s plot by Shears of PNV J2158 to front page.
30/10/11 - Add images of C.L. Brook & John Glasby to past VSS Directors page, and add Nov 11 EB predictions.
28/10/11 - Add outburst image of KX Aql by Buczynski.
17/10/11 - Add eccles presentations from Kurtz (Kepler web link), MarkhamWaterman, Leadbeater & Loughney
16/10/11 - Add PDF's for Wilson & Poyner of 2011 VSS meeting presentations, and add photo and details to 'past meetings' section.
13/10/11 - Add AAVSO SN 258 for SS Cyg observations to front page.
12/10/11 - Add jpeg of certificate presented to AAVSO to front page.
11/10/11 - Update link to Mike Simonsen receiving Butterworth award.
09/10/11 - Add photo of JT presenting MS with Butterworth award at AAVSO centenary meeting.
04/10/11 - Add t/s plots of 1RXSJ231935.0+364705 & GSC 0276401639 to front page.
01/10/11 - Add image by Mobberely of SN 2011go to front page.
28/09/11 - Add October EB predictions.
22/09/11 - Add finalised programme for October VS meeting.
20/09/11 - Add article by D. Loughney on DSLR photometry to articles section.
03/09/11 - Add image of SN 2011fe by Mobberley to front page.
02/09/11 - Add cover to VSSC 149 and link to VSSC 146 on publications page.
27/08/11 - Add September EB predictions.
26/08/11 - Add image of PSN J14030581+5416254 in M101 by Buczynski to front page.
23/08/11 - Add W Cyg paper by J.J. Howarth to the articles section, and replace chart for X Oph.
14/08/11 - Move Facebook link to sidebar.
10/08/11 - Add link to new sequence zip file to front page and add a beginners page, linked to front page button.
06/08/11 - Add link to two possible Novae in M31 - images from Nick James
04/08/11 - Add time series plot of SV Ari by Nick James.
03/08/11 - Add image of SV Ari in outburst (Boyd)
29/07/11 - Add image of Possible Nova in M31 by Nick James. 24/07/11 - Add link to Rob Januszewski's web pages.
13/07/11 - Add link to VSS observing guides to front page.
11/07/11 - Revise price for VS Observers Guide.
10/07/11 - Add details of Oct. 2011 section meeting, linked from front page.
02/07/11 - Add photo of VSS officers meeting, June 2011.
28/06/11 - Add July & August 2011 EB predictions.
26/06/11 - Remove link to old AAVSO charts and add link to baavss facebook to front page.
19/06/11 - Add more PDF's to articles section.
13/06/11 - Update Andy Wilson's details in 'meet the team'.
03/06/11 - Add image by Ron Arbour of Supernova in M51.
27/05/11 - Add June 2011 EB predictions.
18/05/11 - Add images of GRB 20110503A and light curve to front page.
05/05/11 - Update Eclipsing Dwarf Novae programme.
04/05/11 - Add image of SN2011by (M. Mobberley) and V1363 Cyg and V844 Her superhumps plot to front page.
01/05/11 - Add pdf's to articles section & replace 9d & 50d charts for T CrB
29/04/11 - Add chart for eta Gem.
28/04/11 - Add P Cygni campaign page, and link to front page.
26/04/11 - Add May 2011 EB predictions.
18/04/11 - Add M. Mobberly's image of T Pyx to front page & link "Worlds Longest..." sub header on front page to long term plot of Mira.
11/04/11 - Add link to Shears paper on W.M. Lindley & C.L. Brook to past Director Page and front page.
09/04/11 - Add Martin Mobberley images of SN2011az & SN2011bc to front page.
06/04/11 - Add observer profiles for Tony Markam & Gary Poyner.
05/04/11 - Add PDF's to Articles page.
04/04/11 - Update CCD target list.
31/03/11 - Add outburst image of NSV 1436 by Buczynski to front page.
30/03/11 - Add April 2011 EB predictions.
19/03/11 - Add eclipse light curve of SDSSJ0932 to front page.
14/03/11 - Add John Toone observer profile to articles section, and add several links to articles in VSSC's from articles page.
11/03/11 - Add cover of VSSC 147 to web page, and add link to PDF for VSSC 144.
08/03/11 - Add paper by J. Toone to articles section - British Variable Star Associations 1848-1908.
05/03/11 - Add image of SN 2011aa by Martin Mobberley to front page.
03/03/11 - Add Roger Pickard's plot of CU Hya eclipse to front page.
28/02/11 - Add March 2011 EB predictions.
12/02/11 - Add link to Doug Saw's obituary from VSS Directors page.
08/02/11 - Add outburst image of SDSS1339+4847 to front page.
06/02/11 - Add link from VSS Directors page to De Roy paper by J. Shears.
05/02/11 - Add photos of J.E. Gore, D.R.B Saw and T. Brelstaff to VSS Directors page.
04/02/11 - Update VSS Director page, and add link button to contents frame.
02/02/11 - Add Image by Martin Mobberley of SN2011B to front page.
29/01/11 - CV paper by Philip Hall uploaded to articles section, and outburst image of V1212 Tau by Shears to the front page.
25/01/11 - Belatedly update the Mira predictions for 2011, and add Feb 2011 EB predictions.
15/01/11 - Add VSOTY for 2010 (epsilon Aur) & 2011 (Z UMa).
02/01/11 - Add cover/contents pages to most recent three VSSC's in publications page.
01/01/11 - Add updated HR Lyr light curve to front page.
30/12/10 - Add VSS Circular 143 to section publications page.
28/12/10 - Add Jan 2011 EB predictions.
14/12/10 - Add 'Visitor Location' map to front page.
07/12/10 - Add updated HR Lyr plots to front page.
28/11/10 - Add December EB predictions.
23/11/10 - Upload new charts for V450 Aql, U Cam & X Cam, XX Cam, T Cas, WZ Cas, S CrB, T CrB, V CrB, V Cyg, BF Cyg
                  AC Her, IQ Her, OP Her, V566 Her, W Lyn, Y Lyn, BX Mon, X Oph, W Ori, AX Per & BW Tau. Also upload new chart catalogue V10.2
18/11/10 - Rearrange eps Aur page and add link to international campaign light curve.
15/11/10 - Update HR Lyr plot on front page, and add Citizen Sky eps Aur movie link to eps Aur page.
07/11/10 - Add PDF's for VSSC 12-20 to publications page, and update notes for submitting CCD obs to VSS.
05/11/10 - Add M. Mobberley's image of SN2010jl to front page.
01/11/10 - Add updated version of CCD spreadsheet to front page link.
31/10/10 - Add November EB predictions.
26/10/10 - Add Facebook, Flickr and Twitter links for Tony Markham to links page.
22/10/10 - Update HR Lyr light curve.
18/10/10 - Add image of 103P/ Hartley passing by eps Aur (Mobberley).
14/10/10 - Add AAVSO request for observations of V455 And to front page.
11/10/10 - Add GO Cyg plot to front page.
09/10/10 - Add light curve for HR Lyr to front page.
05/10/10 - Amend Memoirs page.
03/10/10 - Add link to VSS memoir details.
24/09/10 - Add October EB predictions.
21/09/10 - Add David Boyd's light curve for SDSSJ150137+5501 to front page.
18/09/10 - Add link to D. Boyd & B. Gaensicke's SAS conference paper on DW UMa and add image of Nova Aql 2010 by Nick James.
05/09/10 - Add image of SN2010hi to front page.
01/09/10 - Add VSSC 142 (Dec 09) to circular page.
31/08/10 - Add September EB predictions.
02/08/10 - Add outburst image of V592 Her by Ian Miller to front page.
23/07/10 - Add August EB predictions.
17/07/10 - Add RAS explosive transient talks download link to front page.
10/07/10 - Add SH plot for SDSSJ162520+120308 to front page.
26/06/10 - Remove Exhibition meeting details from front page.
21/06/10 - Add VSSC 141 (Sept 2009) to Circulars page, and add July EB predictions.
19/06/10 - Remove SS Cyg observation request from front page.
26/05/10 - Add June 2010 EB predictions.
24/05/10 - Add link to BAA exhibition meeting to front page.
20/05/10 - Add image of De Roy to front page.
19/05/10 - Add historic VSSC's to Circulars page.
13/05/10 - Add link to European VS meeting in October.
09/05/10 - Create new page on OT in Peg, and add image to front page.
04/05/10 - Add V2491 Cyg to ROP.
02/05/10 - Remove VS meeting details from front page.
30/04/10 - Add OS map for Pendrell Hall.
27/04/10 - Add updated GK Per V-band plot to front page, and add image of Nova Sco 2010#2
26/04/10 - Add May 2010 EB predictions.
25/04/10 - Update eps Aur campaign page.
16/04/10 - Add updated GK Per plot to front page.
16/04/10 - Add AAVSO request to monitor SS Cyg to front page.
04/04/10 - Add third PP to T. Markham's HAG talk.
31/03/10 - Add April EB predictions.
29/03/10 - Add GK Per V-band plot by R. Pickard.
28/03/10 - Add second PP to T. Markham's HAG talk.
26/03/10 - Rearrange front page.
25/03/10 - Upload chart for NSV 16874 Aur.
21/03/10 - Add link to JT's and GMH  HAG presentation.
20/03/10 - Upload Tony Markham ppt to HAG page.
18/03/10 - Upload VSSC 140 Jun 09 to section publication page.
17/03/10 - Add more PP presentations to HAG page, and add details of May 1st section meeting .
15/03/10 - Add PP presentations to HAG page.
14/03/10 - Add group photo from HAG workshop to Past meetings page.
13/03/10 - Remove details of HAG workshop.
12/03/10 - Add t/s plot to GK Per page and add new Nova designations to Latest News page.
11/03/10 - Add VSS plot for GK Per to GK Per page and t/s plot from Pickard.
09/03/10 - Add outburst image of KX Aql and 'flickering' plot of GK Per to front page.
08/03/10 - Add GK Per 'active' note to front page, linking to AAVSO special notice 198.
02/03/10 - Add 2010 Mira predictions.
27/02/10 - Upload March 2010 EB predictions.
23/02/10 - Add image of Nova Sco 2010 to front page.
22/02/10 - Update eps Aur page.
20/02/10 - Add image of Nova Oph #2 2010 to front page.
15/02/10 - Add image of SN 2010ab to front page.
10/02/10 - Upload new chart catalogue (v10.0), and upload charts for J0712+296 Gem & TAV0714+17 Gem
09/02/10 - Add details of HAG workshop.
05/02/10 - Add link to Excel SS to front page and 'submitting observations' section.
04/02/10 - Add Swedish VS group to links page.
29/01/10 - Add image of U Sco in outburst to front page.
28/01/10 - Add Nova Oph 2010 designation to Latest News section.
24/01/10 - Upload February EB predictions.
09/01/10 - Update eps Aur campaign page.
08/01/10 - Add superhump plot and outburst image of UV Per to front page.
03/01/10 - Update abbreviations in Submitting Observations to BAAVSS.
31/12/09 - Remove request for V405 Peg observations from front page.
30/12/09 - Revise AAVSO link to charts on chart page and add new chart for AG Dra
29/12/09 - Add new charts for EG And, UU Aur, ST Cam, CH Cyg, CI Cyg, RW & RX Vir, V UMi.
28/12/09 - Upload January EB predictions.
23/12/09 - Add request for V405 Peg observations to front page, update News page and add VSSC 139 to publications page.
11/12/09 - Add images of SN 2009mf to front page.
03/12/09 - Add new designations for Nova Eri & Nova Sct 2009 to Latest news page, and remove Cardiff meeting details
                  from front page and include in 'past meetings' section.
01/12/09 - Add spectrum of Nova Eri 2009 to front page.
29/11/09 - Upload December EB predictions.
27/11/09 - Add image of new Variable in Eri. to front page.
16/11/09 - update eps Aur page.
11/11/09 - Add SN2009kp and Nova Sgr 2009#4 Spectrum images to front page.
30/10/09 - Add November EB predictions.
22/10/09 - Rearrange eps Aur page!
19/10/09 - Update eps Aur page & add image of SN2009jr to front page.
13/10/09 - Update Circular charges and upload eps Aur Powerpoint to eps Aur Campaign page.
02/10/09 - Add eps Aur graph to front page.
01/10/09 - Upload October EB predictions.
27/09/09 - Add 'printing tip' to chart page.
19/09/09 - Update eps Aur page, and update eps Aur spectroscopy page.
04/09/09 - Update Melvyn Taylor's e-mail address.
01/09/09 - Add T/S plot from I. Miller to V336 Per page.
31/08/09 - Add images of V336 Per & V713 Cep to front page, and add separate page for both stars linked to images.
23/08/09 - Update eps Aur page.
11/08/09 - Add observer profile for R. Pickard to articles section.
08/08/09 - Upload Z UMa plot to front page.
01/08/09 - Upload September EB predictions.
27/07/09 - Upload TY Vul outburst image and superhump plot to front page.
09/07/09 - Add VSSC PDF's from 88 onwards.
04/07/09 - Update Janet Simpson's e-mail address.
01/07/09 - Remove link to BAA exhibition meeting.
31/06/09 - Add August 2009 EB predictions.
21/06/09 - Add updated eps Aur plot to eps Aur page.
14/06/09 - Remove details of VSS Cardiff meeting, and add photo's
04/06/09 - Add parking details to 2009 meeting page.
02/06/09 - Add observation notes to eps Aur page, and add July EB predictions.
28/05/09 - Replace plot on front page.
22/05/09 - Add accommodation link to 2009 Cardiff meeting page.
08/05/09 - Add full programme and hotel details to Cardiff meeting page.
05/05/09 - Add light curve for zeta Aur eclipse to front page.
04/05/09 - Add programme to 2009 Section meeting details.
01/05/09 - Update eps Aur page.
25/04/09 - Add June EB predictions.
21/04/09 - Update AX Per plot on front page to include CCD data from Clive Beech.
16/04/09 - Add two AAVSO links to eps Aur campaign page.
10/04/09 - Add light curve of AX Per to the front page, and link to G. Poyner's larger plot.
06/04/09 - Upload new visual report form to front page link.
28/03/09 - Add May EB predictions.
25/03/09 - Update Intro. to chart section.
23/03/09 - Add John Saxton's ST LMi plot to front page, and link to larger plot.
20/03/09 - Add notes by Robin Leadbeater on eps Aur spectroscopy to eps Aur page.
12/03/09 - Add new observing campaign for eps Aur, and change front page image.
06/03/09 - Add new image by Martin Mobberley of V630 Cas to front page, and include small light curve link.
05/03/09 - Upload epsilon Aur chart.
04/03/09 - Add EB & ICCE programmes 'in page' and link to charts where applicable. Also link ROP table to charts
                 where applicable.
03/03/09 - Add details of RASNZ Newsletter to 'latest News' page.
01/03/09 - Upload April EB predictions.
27/02/09 - Update 'latest News' with details of epsilon Aur eclipse & include binocular programme 'in page' and
                  add links to charts where applicable.
25/02/09 - Update charts for R CrB.  Add new PDF Chart Catalogue v9.1.  Update text in Telescopic, Binocular, EB & ICCE
                  observational programme pages.  Include Telescopic programme 'in page', and add links to charts where applicable.
24/02/09 - Add Google search facility. Add R CrB plots to Latest News. Change image on front page to V630 Cas.
23/02/09 - Add charts for NSV25966 (Cep), SDSSJ080434+5103 (Lyn), HR Del & DW Gem.
19/02/09 - Add 'Past Meetings' link, and news of V630 Cas light curve to front page.
12/02/09 - Upload March EB predictions.
10/02/09 - Add light curve of R CrB 2007-2008 to font page.
06/02/09 - Add charts for RXJ1715.6+6856 & RXJ1831.7+6511 to Draconis. 04/02/09 - Add details of the 2009 section meeting.
01/02/09 - Add details of June exhibition meeting to Latest News.
01/02/09 - Upload February EB predictions & upload R CrB 1909 plot to front page and link to larger image.
30/01/09 - Upload image of SN2009M to front page.
22/01/09 - Upload V9.0 new chart catalogue for Telescopic Stars, and add U Gem, RZ Cas, CH Cyg, V CVn & R Sct to VSOTY.
19/01/09 - Add Mira predictions page, and include additional link to GCVS.   Add SN images to front page.
18/01/09 - Update Director's e-mail address. Also add HU Tau and X Cam to VSOTY.
11/01/09 - Add details of zeta Aur to latest news pages. Also VSOTY U Cep, RS Oph, Z Cam & R CrB.
03/01/01 - Add chart links for VSOTY
02/01/09 - Add VSOTY U Ori & AM Her.
01/01/09 - Add VSOTY button, along with PDF file for 2009 VSOTY, IP Peg.
29/12/08 - Add new charts for R And, W And, RX And, S Cas, IP Peg & R Ser.
15/12/08 - Add T/S of BY Cam, PV Per and Var Dra 08 to front page, and EB article from Des Loughney to articles.
13/12/08 - Add EB predictions for 2009.
11/12/08 - Remove V358 Lyr image
01/12/08 - Add VSSC 131-134 in PDF format.
23/11/08 - Add BRT image of V358 Lyr in outburst.
17/11/08 - Update EB Predictions page, adding link to Krakow and explanatory text.
16/11/08 - Update EB Predictions page.
11/11/08 - Categorise articles in the 'Articles' section.
10/11/08 - Update VSS officers list in the 'meet the team' page.
10/11/08 - Add links to Novae & SNe pages on TA website. Update articles page, deleting those pages which have broken links.
09/11/08 - Change front page. Add CCD spreadsheet and instructions to download.
06/11/08 - Add new page for Edinburgh Workshop, including photo's and PDF downloads.
13/10/08 - Change venue details for the Edinburgh meeting.
31/08/08 - Add preliminary details for Edinburgh Workshop.
29/08/08 - Amalgamate section circulars with section publications page.
11/08/08 - Add new section for CCD Light Curves. Upload CCD light curves.
31/07/08 - Add charts for TAV0559+06 & TAV0346+38 to Ori & Per in Chart Catalogue.
08/07/08 - Add Colour VSSC pdf to web page
01/07/08 - Update News, removing old OJ287 text and adding details of epsilon Aur campaign
25/04/08 - Predictions updated - predictions up to June uploaded
20/04/08 - Alter colour of front page. Update and add links to links page. Add Cambridge meeting photo.
16/04/08 - Update Chart index, removing links to older charts, and remove Cambridge meeting details.
12/03/08 - Update Circular Editor details in 'Meet the Team'.
11/03/08 - Update Chart Catalogue to Version 8 for Telescopic, Binocular, ICCE and EB.
03/03/08 - Add BAAVSS SPA VSS joint observing programme on beta Leo & delta UMa.
02/03/08 - Add VSS Circulars 126-130 as pdf files in the Circular section.
25/02/08 - Edit BAAVSS-Alert group description.
02/02/08 - Predictions for February added, AAVSO/BAA Meeting linked, link to GP Predictions page added.
13/01/08 - Predictions for January added.
07/01/08 - Chart catalogue updated.
12/12/07 - OJ287 Campaign updated.
10/12/07 - Eclipsing Dwarf Nova programme updated.  VSS Circular editors address updated.  EB Secretary details updated. 
30/11/07 - Predictions for Dec & Nov added
11/09/07 - Chart Browser re-implemented. Charts added - X Leo, W Cep, V884 Her, U Gem, ST UMa, SS Cep, RW Cep, RU Peg, GK Per, AG Peg and 3C 66A.Polars now link to GP site.(CP)
05/09/07 - Predictions for Sept & Oct added. News item added (CP)
02/08/07 - Predictions for August added; Link to Polars programme added to front page
13/06/07 - Predictions for July added.
30/04/07 - Predictions for May & June added. News updated. Section meeting updated.
22/02/07 - Section Meeting details added
16/02/07 - Predictions for Mar and Apr 2007 uploaded
26/01/07 - Predictions for Feb 2007 uploaded
24/01/07 - Chartcat pdfs updated to version 6.4. CCD Target list revised.
04/01/07 - OJ287 news added to latest news.
22/12/06 - Predictions added for Jan 2007
17/11/06 - Predictions added for Nov (sorry!), and Dec.
06/11/06 - Reversed charts added to chart catalogue
30/10/06 - latest news page added
26/07/06 - Report form typo corrected, and reporting observations page updated.
19/07/06 - Predictions for July, August, September added
07/06/06 - Officers list (Meet the Team) updated.
06/06/06 - June 3 meeting report added.
08/05/06 - 3rd June meeting details updated.
10/04/06 - CCD Target List - correction to RA of OO And. Chart NGC 4151 CVn 297.01. updated. Chart OJ+287 Cnc updated.
                Chart added for NGC 1275 Per
19/03/06 - Chart for V720 Cas added. Section circular 125 added. Chart Catalogue updated (version 6.1)
09/03/06 - June 3 meeting added.
                  Predictions for April, May & June added
23/02/06 - AM Her added to chartcat
13/02/06 - RS Per added to chartcat, Section Publications updated.
19/01/06 - VSS Circulars notes for Authors added.
08/01/06 - Chart catalogue updated; RY Dra 225.02 replaces 225.01 Charts for RV Mon and SX Mon added.
03/01/06 - correction to CCD programme pages. PDF now linked from page.
19/12/05 - PDF's of circulars added, meet the team page added, publications updated, misc page fixes.
31/10/05 - Chart Catalogue updated - new browsable interface.
11/10/05 - CCD Target List updated
22/09/05 - Programme pages updated.
19/09/05 - Predictions page updated, august meeting removed
01/08/05 - Binocular programme updated.
25/07/05 - August meeting programme update
23/06/05 - Predictions added for July, August, September 2005.
23/05/05 - August 2005 meeting announcement
19/05/05 - Submitting observations updated - software available from John Saxton's website.
18/05/05 - Chart Cats updated - Telescopic, Binocular, EB and New programmes.
13/04/05 - Predictions updated