Observation by Bob Winter: NGC 4361 by Bob Winter

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Dominic Ford (site admin)


Bob Winter


2011 Oct 03 - 13:21


2011 Oct 03 - 13:21



Planetarium overlay


Canes Venatici

Field centre

RA: 12h42m
Dec: +32°19'
Position angle: +17°48'

Field size

0°54' × 0°38'


NGC 4361 by Bob Winter

About this image
This image of the "Whale" and "Hocket Stick" galaxies in Canes Venatici was taken by Bob Winter using a Takahashi TSA 120 Refractor andQSI 583 Camera fitted withAstrodon L, Ha, Red, Green and Blue filters. Exposure time was90 mins intotal and the image was taken inWales.
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