Observation by Peter Carson: Simies 147 Supernova remnant in Taurus

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


Peter Carson


2012 Jan 23 - 23:55


2017 Apr 28 - 18:31


Simeis 147 (Sharpless 240)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 05h41m
Dec: +28°08'
Position angle: +90°24'

Field size

5°18' × 4°00'

  • Canon 200mm lens
  • Losmandy G11 mount
  • SBIG ST8300 CCD camera
  • Astrodon 3nm Ha filter

11x 30 min exposures. Total 5hs 30 mins


Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, UK

Target name

Simies 147


Simies 147 Supernova remnant in Taurus

About this image

This excellent image of the faint SN remnant was hiding on Peter's personal images page.  The object is exceedingly faint but very large and only just fits on the SBIG camera chip using a 200mm lens.  Peter started the exposures on the 2012-01-23 and finished it on 2012-01-26.

Peter notes that the curious vertical lines in the centre of the image are not artifacts but are probably filaments seen edge on.

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