Observation by Damian Peach: Fornax Galaxy Cluster by Damian Peach

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Dominic Ford (site admin)


Damian Peach


2013 Nov 09 - 07:53


2013 Nov 09 - 07:53



Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 03h37m
Dec: -35°31'
Position angle: +3°37'

Field size

3°21' × 2°24'


Fornax Galaxy Cluster by Damian Peach

About this image
Damian sent in thisbeautiful image of the Fornax cluster, taken on 2013-08-17 using an FSQ 106 Tak scope and SBIG STL 11k camera. It is a 60 minute luminance plus just 5 minutes of the colours. The Fornax cluster isone of the nearer and brighter clusters to us at 60 million light years. NGC 1399 is the large elliptical galaxy at centre, while the picturesque spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is at bottom left. The field of view covers around 2.5 degrees
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