Observation by Paul Downing: Messier 104 "the Sombrero"

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


Paul Downing


2014 May 09 - 07:41


2014 May 09 - 07:48


The Sombrero Galaxy (M104)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 12h39m
Dec: -11°37'
Position angle: +1°37'

Field size

0°18' × 0°13'

  • QSI 683

160 minutes


Southern Spain

Target name

Sombrero Galaxy


Messier 104 "the Sombrero"

About this image

Messier 104 also called the Sombrero galaxy, is in Virgo. It is 30 million light years distant, has a diameter of 75,000 light years and is sixteen times brighter than our galaxy. This image was taken at Paul's observatory in Spain on 2014-04-30 and is an LRGB of 80:40:40:40 minutes, imaged using a QSI 683 CCD camera on a 12.5 inch Planewave telescope.  One interesting feature of M104 is the large number of associated globular clusters surrounding the galaxy, a number of which can be seen in the image.

Secondary Note: There are those who would question the distance numbers quoted above, and perhaps with good cause.  It is amazing that, even though our knowledge is so much more extensive than once it was, and even though we are now able to peer ever deeper into space and are able to detect events at the edge of the observable universe, there is still a reasonable degree of uncertainty about how far away some of these objects are.

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