Observation by Rob Kaufman: I managed to image this comet last night...

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BAA Comet Section


Rob Kaufman


2015 Sep 18 - 00:00


2015 Sep 29 - 20:15


205P Giacobini

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 04h46m
Dec: +08°29'
Position angle: -129°14'

Field size

0°57' × 0°48'

Full filename


Target name

205P Giacobini


I managed to image this comet last night - it is in outburst (3 - 4 magnitudes) and would otherwise be miles outside the limiting magnitude of my gear. Guesstimate around m1 = 14, give or take. In the image, I left the little, perfectly-round 'false star' that mimics the movement of the comet - only way I can effectively stack very faint comets not much above the noise level in each sub!

About this image
I managed to image this comet last night - it is in outburst (3 - 4 magnitudes) and would otherwise be miles outside the limiting magnitude of my gear. Guesstimate around m1 = 14, give or take. In the image, I left the little, perfectly-round 'false star' that mimics the movement of the comet - only way I can effectively stack very faint comets not much above the noise level in each sub!
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