Observation by Martin Mobberley: I noticed on Guide 9.0 that 50P/Arend wa...

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BAA Comet Section


Martin Mobberley


2015 Oct 09 - 12:58


2015 Oct 12 - 06:26


50P Arend

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50P Arend


I noticed on Guide 9.0 that 50P/Arend was very close to Neptune today, so took an image! Comet is arrowed at around 16th mag. Neptune dead centre. The faint trail of stars just above the comet (20th mag?) are real and appear on the STScI DSS images of the field, even though they look like hot pixels. Of course, Neptune is around 20x further from Earth than the comet.

About this image
I noticed on Guide 9.0 that 50P/Arend was very close to Neptune today, so took an image! Comet is arrowed at around 16th mag. Neptune dead centre. The faint trail of stars just above the comet (20th mag?) are real and appear on the STScI DSS images of the field, even though they look like hot pixels. Of course, Neptune is around 20x further from Earth than the comet.
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