Observation by Eric Watkins: Asteroid 41331

Uploaded by

Eric Watkins


Eric Watkins


2016 May 04 - 23:00


2018 Aug 30 - 00:44


41331 1999 XB232

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 13h48m
Dec: -27°18'
Position angle: -89°40'

Field size

0°06' × 0°04'

  • C14 Edge 0.356m @F7.7
  • ME Paramount GEM
  • QSI 532 ccd camera binned 3x3
  • Unfuiltered
  • Plate scale 1.5" per pixel

180 sec (90 sec on 2018 09 07)


North Essex

Target name

Asteroid 41331


Asteroid 41331

About this image

A successful earlier attempt at determining the rotation period of an asteroid encouraged me to try and determine the rotation period of an asteroid with non previously reported.

During the end of August and early September, 2016 four nights, were spent imaging  the main belt asteroid 41331 with an estimated diameter of 5.5km - 12.5 km.  At the time  mag R was 16.6

Once again Brian  Walker kindly checked my period determination which resulted in a period of  3.2961 hrs.  Not quite a discovery in the sense of a comet or supernova, but hey  I determined the value and I was he first to know it,  that's got to be worth something!

The result was presented during a presentation I gave at  the  BAA ARPS Asteroid workshop on 24th September, 2016.

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