Observation by Jose Chambo: Object/Date: 43P/Wolf-Harrington @ Octo...

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BAA Comet Section


Jose Chambo


2016 Oct 11 - 00:00


2016 Dec 01 - 06:22


43P Wolf-Harrington

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 09h55m
Dec: +02°36'
Position angle: -88°58'

Field size

0°54' × 0°36'

Full filename


Target name

43P Wolf-Harrington


Object/Date: 43P/Wolf-Harrington @ October 11,2016 Description: Comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington had an outburst at the end of August 2016, some days after pass its perihelion, increasing brightness until magnitude 11. In this image taken on October 11th 2016 the comet have dropped its luminosity until magnitude 12.5 still showing a dust tail with a long at least of 15 arcminutes. Tech data: Planewave 20" CDK 2280mm f/4.5 & FLI-PL11002M (L:2×120s + RGB:1x60s Bin2) remotely from Mayhill, New M

About this image
Object/Date: 43P/Wolf-Harrington @ October 11,2016 Description: Comet 43P/Wolf-Harrington had an outburst at the end of August 2016, some days after pass its perihelion, increasing brightness until magnitude 11. In this image taken on October 11th 2016 the comet have dropped its luminosity until magnitude 12.5 still showing a dust tail with a long at least of 15 arcminutes. Tech data: Planewave 20" CDK 2280mm f/4.5 & FLI-PL11002M (L:2×120s + RGB:1x60s Bin2) remotely from Mayhill, New M
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