Observation by Alex Pratt: Video astrometry of comet 41P/Tuttle-Gia...

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Alex Pratt


Alex Pratt


2017 Mar 26 - 19:28


2017 Mar 27 - 15:16


41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak

  • C11 @ f/3.3
  • Watec 910 video camera
  • IOTA-VTI GPS time inserter
  • Tangra software

0.32s integrations



Target name

Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak


Video astrometry of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak

About this image

Video astrometry of comet 41P was obtained during the recent clear nights.

Tangra plate-solved ~200 video frames from each 1 minute recording. The comet had a sky motion of about 5"/min so Tangra computes a least squares fit to the movements in RA and Dec. Clicking on the mini-plot gives the motion-fitted RA and Dec (and magnitude estimate) at the selected instant and its corresponding 'normal' time, which is a 6-figure microday time format used by MPC when reporting GPS time tagged video observations.

The resultant MPC formatted lines are:-

0041P         n2017 03 20.87768010 57 22.05 +53 18 35.4          13.3 N      Z92

0041P         n2017 03 20.90628410 57 35.42 +53 21 00.4          13.4 N      Z92

0041P         n2017 03 23.85462211 25 17.05 +57 17 39.7          12.2 N      Z92

0041P         n2017 03 23.87514711 25 29.85 +57 19 16.1          12.6 N      Z92

0041P         n2017 03 26.02071511 50 48.06 +59 54 23.0          12.9 N      Z92

0041P         n2017 03 26.04208511 51 04.06 +59 55 48.6          12.8 N      Z92

0041P         n2017 03 26.85289712 02 01.36 +60 48 29.1          12.7 N      Z92

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