Observation by Nick James: This image of C/2017 E4 was taken a few...

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BAA Comet Section


Nick James


2017 Apr 19 - 03:34


2017 Apr 24 - 05:54


C/2017 E4 (Lovejoy)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 00h41m
Dec: +36°44'
Position angle: +1°55'

Field size

0°23' × 0°17'

Full filename


Target name

C/2017 E4 (Lovejoy)


This image of C/2017 E4 was taken a few minutes ago as the comet rose above my roof in a rapidly brightening sky. It is a 3x60s exposure, FoV is 24x16 arcmin. There is no starlike centre to the coma any more, only an extended line around 20 arcsec long.

About this image
This image of C/2017 E4 was taken a few minutes ago as the comet rose above my roof in a rapidly brightening sky. It is a 3x60s exposure, FoV is 24x16 arcmin. There is no starlike centre to the coma any more, only an extended line around 20 arcsec long.
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