Observation by Grant Privett: CRS12 Launch

Uploaded by

Grant Privett


Grant Privett


2017 Aug 14 - 02:12


2017 Aug 15 - 02:19


The Dragonfly Cluster (NGC457)

  • Canon 100D
  • Canon 100-300mm zoom f5.6
  • Handheld



Cape Canaveral

Target name

CR12 supply mission to ISS


CRS12 Launch

About this image

Finally managed to get to see a launch. Something I have wanted to do for 30 years or more. Had good weather and everything was fine until the announcement of T-10s but as it turned out the tannoy had a 10s delay so I nearly missed the launch as I was doing a  final check on the focusing on a different launch pad. Ho hum.

Either way, really worth seeing a launch if you can....

Wonderful to hear the sound of the atmosphere being ripped up :)

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