Observation by David Swan: C/2017 T1 (Heinze) movement

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David Swan


David Swan


2017 Nov 24 - 05:04


2017 Nov 24 - 12:21


C/2017 T1 (Heinze)

  • Scope: 200mm SCT at f/6.3
  • Camera: ASI178MM
  • Filter: Baader UV+IR cut
  • Software: FireCapture, DeepSkyStacker and Astrometrica

100 x 5s


Tynemouth, UK

Target name

C/2017 T1 (Heinze)


C/2017 T1 (Heinze) movement

About this image

Following Nick James' advice, I took images spaced in time, so that movement of the object against the background stars can be seen. These images have midpoints 20min apart. Heinze crosses In front of a background star.

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Nick James
Nick James, 2017 Nov 25 - 20:41 UTC

David, That's definitely it. You were very unlucky that it was right on top of a star though! You'll find that this often happens with faint comets.

David Swan
David Swan, 2017 Nov 26 - 13:30 UTC

Thanks Nick. Yes, it was unlucky. But of course we can't tell Nature how to behave!

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