Observation by David Swan: Comet Echeclus

Uploaded by

David Swan


David Swan


2017 Dec 16 - 18:50


2017 Dec 16 - 20:15


174P Echeclus (60558)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 02h37m
Dec: +11°22'
Position angle: +151°29'

Field size

0°27' × 0°13'

  • Scope: 200mm SCT @ f/6.3
  • Camera: ASI178MM
  • Filter: Baader UV+IR cut
  • Software: FireCapture, DeepSkyStacker and Astrometrica

110 x 5s


Tynemouth, UK

Target name



Comet Echeclus

About this image

My brightness estimate - in this large aperture - was mag 14 at 18:50 on 16 Dec 2017.

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Nick James
Nick James, 2017 Dec 17 - 09:09 UTC

Your mag estimate is pretty good. I've been getting a pretty constant 13.6 over the last few days using an unfiltered CCD and UCAC-4 R mags as a reference, but this light is spread over a growing area as the coma expands.

David Swan
David Swan, 2017 Dec 17 - 09:51 UTC

Thanks Nick. I changed the catalogue that the programme uses to UCAC4, and requested use of R band mags. The delta mag for the photo ref stars dropped to 0.06! The estimate for the Ech coma was then 13.8. David

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