Observation by David Swan: Evolution of Echeclus

Uploaded by

David Swan


David Swan


2017 Dec 17 - 18:21


2017 Dec 17 - 19:51


174P Echeclus (60558)

  • Scope: 200mm SCT at f/6.3
  • Camera: ASI178MM
  • Filter: Baader UV+IR cut
  • Software: FireCapture, DeepSkyStacker and Astrometrica

75 x 5s


Tynemouth, UK

Target name



Evolution of Echeclus

About this image

The coma has a distinct morphology. Mag estimate 13.9 CR (UCAC 4 catalogue).

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Denis Buczynski
Denis Buczynski, 2017 Dec 20 - 14:58 UTC

Hi David ,You are a very active observer, especially of comets including 174p. However I am not certain that you are submitting your observations to the Comet Section for archiving and future analysis. For the Section to be able to use your valuable work in the future you should consider contacting Nick James and sending him your observations of comets.

Denis Buczynskl

Secretary BAA Comet Section

David Swan
David Swan, 2017 Dec 21 - 08:31 UTC

You're right - I will do in future. Here's hoping Heinze brightens nicely as it moves closer and moves north in declination. Happy Christmas. David

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