Observation by Alex Houston: Copernicus, Eratosthenes and Apennine Mo...

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Alex Houston


Alex Houston


2017 Dec 28 - 18:00


2018 Jan 02 - 11:45


The Moon

  • SkyWatcher 100ED2 refractor
  • ZWO ASI120MM-s camera
  • 3x Barlow lens

Cropped mosaic using over 2000 frames of 20ms each per image


Tullibody, Clackmannanshire, Scotland

Target name



Copernicus, Eratosthenes and Apennine Mountains

About this image

Seventy-two images were acquired between 16:50 and 18:45 on 28 Dec. Images were aligned and stacked in AutoStakkert 2, wavelets applied in RegiStax with sharpening and levels applied in Photoshop CS5. They were combined using Automate->Photomerge in CS5. A small section of the resulting mosaic was cropped to produce the final image.

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