Observation by wskorupa: Comet 74p near M65 M66 in constellation ...

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BAA Comet Section




2018 May 06 - 21:22


2018 May 08 - 06:37


74P Smirnova-Chernykh

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74P Smirnova-Chernykh


Comet 74p near M65 M66 in constellation Leo. The inverted version shows comets faint tail better and scaled to 100%. 2018-05-06T21:22, Exp 60min 12"f4 Newton

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Comet 74p near M65 M66 in constellation Leo. The inverted version shows comets faint tail better and scaled to 100%. 2018-05-06T21:22, Exp 60min 12"f4 Newton
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