Observation by Peter Anderson: Alpha Centauri resolution and seeing tes...

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Peter Anderson


Peter Anderson


2018 May 16 - 14:00


2018 Aug 13 - 00:46



  • 150mm F8 achromat refr with 3X barlow

Brisbane Australia

Target name

Alpha Centauri resolution and seeing test


Alpha Centauri resolution and seeing test

About this image

Alpha Centauri Double star, Distance in 2018 ~4.6".  Mv 0.0 and 1.3.  These are 12 images (of 30 taken) to demonstrate the effect of 'seeing' and to test the resolution and alignment of the instrument by examining the diffraction discs. Exposures (at 2000 ISO) vary somewhat in length.  Images are inverted. In only a few was the atmosphere relatively steady.  The upper red fringe of the atmospheric dispersion effect is very apparent in those images with longer exposure.

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