Observation by Dean Ashton: Cocoon Nebula

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Dean Ashton


Dean Ashton


2018 Aug 16 - 07:21


2018 Aug 16 - 07:21


The Cocoon Nebula (IC5146)

  • 500mm Newtonian, 2260mm focal length
  • Camera: QHY8L (Sony ICX413AQ sensor with 7.8um x 7.8um pixels, 3110x2830 pixels) cooled to TEC -10oC.

/f4.5 104-minutes total exposure


COAA, Algarve, Portugal

Target name

IC 5146


Cocoon Nebula

About this image

This image of IC5146 was captured using the coma corrected 500mm Newtonian at COAA by myself and Dr. Bev Ewan-Smith.  All calibration and processing was carried out using PixInsight.

We actually captured the image over the nights of 15th and 16th of August.  104-minutes of total exposure (43 frames) were selected for the final integration into the image.

IC5146 appeared invisible in the eye-piece.  The camera however, reveals the mixture of emission nebula, reflection nebula and dark nebula in this beautiful stellar nursery.

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