Observation by Eric Watkins: Asteroid 8373 Stephengould

Uploaded by

Eric Watkins


Eric Watkins


2018 Aug 29 - 23:45


2018 Aug 30 - 00:04


8373 Stephengould

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 04h42m
Dec: -62°07'
Position angle: +1°56'

Field size

0°06' × 0°04'

  • C14 Edge 0.356m @F7.7
  • ME Paramount GEM
  • QSI 532 ccd camera binned 3x3
  • MaxIM DL
  • Astrometrica & Canopus

60 seconds no filter

Target name

8373 Stephengould


Asteroid 8373 Stephengould

About this image

Determining the rotation period of an asteroid  together with analysing the light curve is still an area where the amateur can make a contribution to the body of knowledge.  This is one area I wished to work within so to gain the practical experience I concentrated my first efforts on an asteroid with relatively known parameters. I chose the asteroid 8373 Stephengould, an outer main belt asteroid with a diameter of 6.69km and  a reported period of 4.435 hrs.

The asteroid was faint at Mag R of 17.0 and four nights of 495 individual measurements provided a well defined curve and a rotation period of  4.435hrs.  These results where checked and confirmed by Brian Warner who also looked for signs of the associated satellite, period 34.15 hrs which proved negative.

I am grateful to Brian Warner for his help and encouragement.

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