Observation by Len Adam: 21P in One Second

Uploaded by

Len Adam


Len Adam


2018 Sep 05 - 04:16


2018 Sep 05 - 07:57


21P Giacobini-Zinner

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 05h24m
Dec: +41°55'
Position angle: -32°49'

Field size

0°32' × 0°32'

  • ST9XE
  • 8-inch Ritchey -Chretien
  • 0.8 X focal reducer
  • Paramount MyT

1 second


Just outside Albox, Almeria , Spain

Target name

21P Giacobini-Zinner


21P in One Second

About this image

I am always surprised with the sensitivity of my old SBIG ST9XE camera and was pleased to be able to obtain this image of 21P this morning with a one second exposure(I do have some longer exposures). I was also pleased that the clear nights are back (hopefully) here in Spain. The images I took this morning required little effort. My alarm had been set for 4 a.m. to be able to catch the comet - although I imaged quite a few other objects. This morning was a first for really using my 'remote' observatory (about 50 yards away from my bedroom). The first thing I do is switch on the power to the RING camera in the observatory and my old mobile phone that wirelessly receives the image of the inside of the 'shed'. I then switch on the main power and open the roof with the switch next to my bed  - all viewed on the phone. I have a long powered USB cable to the shed which connects my Macbook to the MyT, camera, filter wheel etc.  I start the telescope and home it , slew to the object and then I can start imaging(although I do switch off the RING security camera as it responds to movement and switches on a light when the telescope moves!). I finished imaging then reversed the process - all from the desk next to my bed. (I did go out with my binoculars to spot 21P next to the kids in Auriga for a minute but the door to the observatory remained locked.) When you get to the age of 73 you begin to appreciate not crawling around the floor of an observatory and avoiding the mosquitos!

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