Observation by Steve Knight: Orion the Hunter

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


Steve Knight


2019 Jan 09 - 23:30


2019 Jan 26 - 12:01


Barnard's Loop (Sharpless 276)
The Orion Nebula (M42)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 05h33m
Dec: +00°04'
Position angle: +3°03'

Field size

13° × 21°

  • Canon 6D DSLR (unmodified)
  • Samyang f1.4 85mm lens
  • OPT Triad filter

Total exposures 47 min at ISO6400


Warkworth, UK

Target name



Orion the Hunter

About this image

Steve Knight's excellent image was bumped from this slot due to an inconvenient lunar eclipse.  So we now reinstate it for week five so members can enjoy the wealth of detail in this special region of our sky.  We are used to seeing "up close and personal" images of specific objects, so sometimes it is nice to stand back and see the wider sky, especially when it shows an object in the way it would appear if only our eyes could "see" across a wider spectral range.

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