Observation by Peter Carson: Comet 64P Swift-Gehrels nears Barnard Da...

Uploaded by

Peter Carson


Peter Carson


2019 Feb 10 - 21:53


2019 Feb 12 - 16:04


64P Swift-Gehrels
Barnard 19

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 04h31m
Dec: +26°09'
Position angle: -1°22'

Field size

0°35' × 0°26'

  • 315mm reflector
  • Paramount
  • UV/IR cut filter
  • unguided
  • sbig ST 8300

18 x 60 sec exposures stacked


Leigh on sea nr Southend Essex

Target name

Comet 64P Swift-Gehrels nears Barnard Dark Nebula B19


Comet 64P Swift-Gehrels nears Barnard Dark Nebula B19

About this image

I took this image from my observatory and initially thought something was wrong with the camera when only half the image contained stars. I then realised the comet was on the boundary of Barnard Dark nebula B19. I think that’s the first time I’ve noticed something like that.

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