Observation by Simon Dawes: The Heart & Soul Nebulas

Uploaded by

Mr Simon Francis Dawes


Simon Dawes


2019 Sep 26 - 22:14


2019 Oct 16 - 21:22


The Heart Nebula (IC1805)
The Soul Nebula (IC1848)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 02h44m
Dec: +60°45'
Position angle: -4°00'

Field size

9° × 7°

  • Samyang 135mm f2
  • Canon 600D (Full spectrum mod)
  • CLSCCD clip-in filter
  • iOptron Star Tracker

85x 60s subs


Kelling Heath, England

Target name

Heart & Soul Nebulas


The Heart & Soul Nebulas

About this image

What's the pleural of nebula? 

A) Nebulas?
B) Nebulae?
C) Nebuli?
Anyway there are two of them, IC1805 and IC1848 and I stick to the belief, passed on to me by my long departed friend, Dick Chambers, that pronunciation doesn’t matter, which I always found odd coming from Dick who was a real stickler for ‘doing things right’ – I suspect he wouldn’t be so generous when it comes to the spelling…

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