Observation by Martin Crow: Transit of Mercury 2019nov11

Uploaded by

Martin Crow


Martin Crow


2019 Nov 11 - 14:53


2019 Nov 11 - 20:06



  • Modified ED 80 / PST body
  • DMK 41au02 camera
  • Processed in AVISTACK
  • Post processed in Photoshop

Burnham on Crouch

Target name

Transit of Mercury


Transit of Mercury 2019nov11

About this image

Didn't think i would get any images as the damn laptop decided that it would do a massive update just i was setting up. By the time it had finished i had about 10 minutes to get my images before the Sun dropped below the rooftops. I realise that i must have the patience of a saint as i managed to resist launching the laptop into the neighbour's garden.....it was close though.....

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Nick James
Nick James, 2019 Nov 11 - 22:23 UTC

Blimey. I would have lobbed the laptop in the Crouch if it did that to me.

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