Observation by Nick James: C/2017 T2 and asteroid 99248

Uploaded by

Nick James


Nick James


2019 Nov 29 - 23:57


2019 Nov 30 - 01:04


99248 2001 KY66

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 04h58m
Dec: +45°47'
Position angle: -0°22'

Field size

0°32' × 0°23'

  • C11 Edge HD + FLI6303



Chelmsford, UK

Target name

C/2017 T2


C/2017 T2 and asteroid 99248

About this image

First clear night here for a while so lots of faint comets to image. C/2017 T2 is definitely the best of the bunch at the moment and tonight it was passing asteroid 99248 (the faint trail just to the right of the end of the tail).

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David Swan
David Swan, 2019 Nov 30 - 08:59 UTC

I just caught it too in my image!

David Swan
David Swan, 2019 Nov 30 - 09:02 UTC


Nick James
Nick James, 2019 Dec 01 - 09:20 UTC

Here are the subframes of my C/2017 T2 image of Nov 27 run together as a movie. Apollo asteroid 99248 is moving slowly south in the bottom right of the frame. The asteroid was 50 million km away at the time of these images, the comet was 250 million km.

Derek Robson
Derek Robson, 2019 Dec 02 - 22:43 UTC

Great image of comet, plus as David says, a bonus to catch that asteroid trail.

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