Observation by Trevor Green: The region around Messier 78 in Orion

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


Trevor Green


2020 Jan 14 - 23:00


2020 Jan 24 - 21:44



Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 05h46m
Dec: +00°03'
Position angle: -179°51'

Field size

1°10' × 0°47'

  • Sky-Watcher 10 inch Newtonian scope
  • ZWO071 Colour Camera @ Unity Gain -10c
  • Baader UV/IR Cut Filter

300mins total exp time made up of 80 x 3min and 30 x 2 min subs


Clare, South Australia

Target name

Messier 78


The region around Messier 78 in Orion

About this image

Trevor has featured on PotW previously and he has recently produced this new, excellent image of the region in Orion centred on Messier 78. Trevor asks me to point out that this is a work in progress, as it is still short of data and a little noisy, but nonetheless it qualifies for this slot.  Of course, it helps to have Orion high in the South Australia skies compared to its maximum altitude in the UK, but Trevor has done his usual super job.

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