Observation by Derrick Ward: the crater Schiller

Uploaded by

Derrick Ward


Derrick Ward


2020 Apr 04 - 19:16


2020 Jul 05 - 20:38


The Moon

  • 200mm Orion OPtics Newtonian reflector
  • x2 barlow
  • ASI290-MC usb video camera

2 minute video with an exposure of 4ms



Target name

Schiller Crater


the crater Schiller

About this image

I had never seen this crater before, so it was one of those nice susprises that I came across when I was just exploring the terminator, to see what looks like a very elongated crater. It is probabily the result of two impacts close together. I took a 2 minute video, which I then processed using images plus to get the resultant image.

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