Observation by Peter Tickner: Copernicus and the Clockface

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Peter Tickner


2020 May 02 - 16:39


2020 May 11 - 11:44


The Moon

  • ZWO ASI 174MM mono CMOS camera
  • 14inch LX200 SCT at f/10
  • IR Pass filter
  • EQ8 Mount

Urban Berkshire

Target name



Copernicus and the Clockface

About this image

This is one of a series of images I took on 2nd May intending to do a mosaic of the terminator, but the seeing was unsterady at tumes and I abandoned the plan.  However this particular image came out well enough, it is a stack of best 40% of 800 frames with an infrared pass filter.    To my eyes Eratosthenes in the middle of the image between the Montes Carpatus and Montes Appeninus always looks like a watch or clock face with the hands set at 2am. 


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